The People’s Power and the People’s Party submit a request for an investigation into the North Korean nuclear power plant

National Assembly Representative Kwon Eun-hee (from left), Kim Seong-won, senior vice-president of the hospital, and Lee Chul-gyu, Congressman Lee Chul-gyu, addressed the National Assembly’s agenda on the 3rd. Is submitting. / Reporter Kwon Wook

On the 3rd, the People’s Power and the People’s Party submitted a request to the National Assembly to investigate the government’s suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction.

On the morning of this morning, together with the National Assembly Representative Kwon Eun-hee, Senior Vice President Kim Seong-won and Rep. Lee Cheol-gyu of the People’s Power, submitted a request for an investigation of the truth regarding the suspicion of the North Korean nuclear power plant construction document of the Moon Jae-in administration. In the request for a national investigation, 105 members of the People’s Power and the People’s Party were named, including Ho-young Joo and Eun-hee Kwon, the National Assembly representative.

Rep. Lee Chul-gyu said, “The government is showing a dual behavior that in the Republic of Korea, the safety of nuclear power plants with the world’s best technologies has been pursued and other policies have been pursued, and the plan for the construction of nuclear power plants in North Korea has been pushed forward. Even though it was revealed, it was the responsibility of the National Assembly to reveal the truth because it was dismissed as the Duke of the North Poong and was scared by judicial action against the representative of the opposition party who raised the issue.

Earlier, Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Countermeasures Committee, said at an emergency countermeasure meeting held at the National Assembly this morning, “The Blue House and other passport officials claimed that the North Korean nuclear power project was reviewed by the Park Geun-hye administration because the North Korean nuclear power project was absurd. “The people’s strength will make every effort to uncover the real truth, such as the operation of the special commission from today.” In addition, he said, “I hope that the ruling party will immediately respond to our party’s request for a state affairs investigation,” he said.

/ Reporter Kim Hye-rin [email protected]

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