The outline of the contest ‘Park Won-soon Sexual Harassment·Real Estate’ Workshop


Ahead of the April by-election, the outlines of the opposition candidates who will be in the party’s primary race have been revealed. The late Park Won-soon battles against key issues such as sexual harassment and real estate issues in the former market are also intensifying. Head of Ryu Jeong-hwa summarized the related news.


By-elections in Seoul and Busan are approaching 70 days ahead. Both the ruling and the opposition parties have almost confirmed the finalists in the party. Now is the time to finally complete the political news delivered by Captain Ryu, the’Political Style’? We will summarize it at a glance. It starts with the Seoul mayoral election. In the ruling Democratic Party, Park Young-seon and Woo Sang-ho are both opposed. The two are not Ho-hyung. The’warming contest’ between’sister and younger brother’ was foretold. In terms of the power of the opposition people, there are 8 candidates, including candidates Na Gyeong-won and Oh Se-hoon, Kim Geun-sik, Kim Sun-dong, Sin-hwan, Lee Seung-hyun, Lee Jong-gu, and Cho Eun-hee. There are many. But the main candidates are already people we’ve seen for a long time. Even for the by-election box office, both parties need a unified event. In the opposition to the people’s power, Ahn Cheol-soo and former independent lawmaker Geum Tae-seop, in the passport, the Open Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Jin-ae, as well as the time-changing representative Jo Jung-hoon, who is running fortune, are mentioned as unified candidates.

How about the Busan mayoral election? In Busan, three candidates, Kim Young-chun, Park In-young, and Byeon Seong-wan, were successful. It’s a 3rd wave battle. As for the power of the people, six people, including candidate Park Hyung-jun and Lee Eon-ju, whom I introduced earlier, Park Min-sik, and Lee Jin-bok, and Lee Jin-bok, were candidates Seong-ha Jeon. In Busan, the election atmosphere is heating up as the approval ratings of both parties have recently changed. Seol Minshim The menu to be put on the table will be a concern for both parties. Both the ruling and the opposition parties select the major candidates once more about a week before the Lunar New Year holiday. In early mid-March, about a month before the main election, the final candidates for the actual election will be elected.

Most of all, the election for the mayor of Seoul is in full swing when former Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-seon declares their run in earnest. It was yesterday. There is a passage in which the opposition candidates screamed as if they were waiting. This is the sexual harassment case of late Mayor Park Won-soon. Here, we will go to the election news, a new section of Ryu’s new section,’Issue Collection zip’, which is reviewed by keywords. Let’s click. The opposition mayoral candidates in Seoul all accused Park of missing this part in his declaration of running. The reason for this election is whether we apologize for the sexual harassment of late Mayor Park Won-soon. In fact, former Minister Park’s declaration of run mainly contained only the vision of Seoul. Former Minister Park, who himself claimed to be’running youngseon’ and’barreled youngseon’, seems to have chosen to break through. It’s my first interview since I was declared running, and I appeared in our newsroom and said, “I’ll take responsibility for my responsibility.”

[서복현/앵커 (JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ / 어제) : 오늘 민주당은 서면으로 피해자에게 사과를 했습니다. 충분하다고 보십니까?]

[박영선/전 중소벤처기업부 장관 (JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ / 어제) : 저는 당연히 사과해야 된다고 생각합니다. 사과가 더 필요하면 저는 피해자, 상처받은 분의 마음을 어떻게 보듬어드릴 수 있는 방법이라면 할 수 있는 것은 다 해야 된다, 라고 생각하고 있습니다.]

Earlier, the Human Rights Commission decided that “the late Mayor Park Won-soon’s actions correspond to sexual harassment.” He also said, “The victim’s claim is acceptable as fact.” Today, the Democratic Party also officially apologized.

[이낙연/더불어민주당 대표 : 피해자와 가족들께 다시 한번 깊이 사과드립니다. 국민 여러분께도 송구스럽다는 말씀을 다시 한번 드립니다. 피해자께서 2차 피해 없이 일상을 회복하실 수 있도록 저희들 나름대로 최선을 다하겠습니다.]

[박성민/더불어민주당 최고위원 : 동료 시민의 존엄을 지켜내지 못했다는 사실이 참담하고 마음이 무겁습니다. 무차별적으로 이뤄졌던 2차 가해와 민주당의 부족한 대응으로 상처받으신 피해자분께 진심으로 죄송하다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.]

Among Democratic supporters, there are still those who defend Mayor Park, questioning and attacking the victims’ claims. Oh Seong-gyu, former Seoul city secretary, said, “I express my regret for the decision of the Human Rights Commission.” Another Seoul Mayor candidate, Rep. Woo Sang-ho, has not yet made a position. For the Democrats, not only must it take responsibility for the sudden election, but it will also have to bear the burden of scrutinizing supporters who have struggled in many ways in the process of taking responsibility. Former Minister Park said yesterday.

[박영선/전 중소벤처기업부 장관 (JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ / 어제) : 책임질 것은 책임을 져야 되고요. 또 그 상처에 따른 책임을 치유하는 것도 책임입니다. ]

Another keyword of this election is real estate policy. Let’s click. Yesterday, two candidates Park Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho participated side by side in Governor Lee Jae-myung’s basic housing debate. It sympathized with the concept of’basic housing’ where land is owned by the public and buildings are sold and owned by homeless people.

[우상호 : 지사님, 둘 중 한 명이 이제 (경기도의) 파트너가 될 텐데 서울시장으로…]

[이재명 : 두 분 다 하시면 안 됩니까? 원래 그런 게 있잖아요. 엄마가 좋아, 아빠가 좋아. (그렇지.)]

The real estate policy of the passport focuses on’expanding public-led supply’. Former Minister Park said that 300,000 houses could be supplied over five years. He said he would use Seoul’s public land and build a vertical garden city.

[박영선/전 중소벤처기업부 장관 (JTBC ‘뉴스룸’ / 어제) : 저는 토지임대부 방식의 공공분양 주택을 구상하고 있습니다. 이렇게 되면 반값 아파트를 만들 수 있고요. 또 서울의 토지를 임대할 수 있는 여러 공공 지역들이 많이 있습니다.]

Rep. Sang-ho Woo suggested 160,000 public housing units. I mentioned New York, USA and Paris, France as an example, saying that I would cover the riverside north road and the railroad to build a house. The opposition’s’private-led development’ is for speculators and construction companies.

[우상호/더불어민주당 의원 (지난 25일) : 나경원, 안철수의 재개발·재건축 규제 완화 정책은 누구를 위한 정책이냐. 그 동네에 살고 있는 서울시민을 위한 정책이냐, 투기꾼을 위한 정책이냐, 건설사를 위한 정책이냐. 서울 전역을 완전 공사판으로 만들겠다, 이런 공약은 제가 볼 때 너무 무리하다.]

‘Deregulation’ is the key to the opposition’s real estate policy. It is to increase supply by releasing regulations related to reconstruction and redevelopment. Rep. Na Kyung-won said he would proceed with the related procedure one-stop.

[나경원/전 국민의힘 의원 (지난 13일) : 용적률, 용도지역, 층고제한 등 각종 낡은 규제, 확 풀어버리겠습니다. 가로막힌 재건축·재개발이 대대적으로 다시 시작될 것입니다.]

Former Mayor Oh Se-hoon also said that redevelopment and reconstruction regulations are hindering the development of Seoul. Former Minister Park Young-sun’s pledge of 300,000 public housing units was criticized for being impractical.

[오세훈/전 서울시장 (음성대역) : 이것이 가능하려면 공공이 토지를 보유하고 있거나 보유할 수 있는 곳이어야 합니다. 그런데 다 아시다시피 서울 시내에는 아파트를 지을만한 사유지는 거의 없습니다. 그러면 땅을 수용해야 하는데, 이곳들은 이미 가격이 평당 2~3천만원 수준으로 올라 있습니다.]

Ahn Cheol-soo, CEO of the People’s Party, proposed a’private-led’ supply policy. Redevelopment Redevelopment regulations were partially lifted, the government’s 3rd Lease Act was amended, and the subscription system improved.

[안철수/국민의당 대표 (지난 14일) : 시장의 자율기능을 중심으로 부동산 정책을 개편해 임대인도, 임차인도 걱정 없이 살 수 있는 서울, 청년이 아파트에 미래를 저당 잡히지 않고 마음껏 꿈을 펼칠 수 있는 서울, 우리 서울시민들과 함께 꼭 만들겠습니다.]

The mayor is a one-year term mayor, and the question of whether all of this is possible is inevitable, but it seems necessary to discuss the vision and policies in the face of the election.

Today’s presentation is organized like this. < 박영선, 고 박원순 피해자에 사과…여야 보궐선거 대진표 확정 >
