The official position of the Great Swordsman following the interview for “clearly opposed to the establishment of the Heavy Water Office”

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is receiving questions from reporters as he leaves the government's Gwacheon government office after completing the prevention of the new Justice Minister Park Beom-gye on the morning of February 1st.  Reporter Kim Kyung-rok

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is receiving questions from reporters as he leaves the government’s Gwacheon government office after completing the prevention of the new Justice Minister Park Beom-gye on the morning of February 1st. Reporter Kim Kyung-rok

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol officially opposes the legislation to establish the Severe Crime Investigation Office (SMB) promoted by the passport, saying, “It is a legislative law that destroys the criminal justice system for over 70 years.” When the heavy water office is established as the passport intends, the prosecution will lose even the sixth criminal investigation right left by the adjustment of the investigative power, and it will become a de facto prosecution office in charge of prosecution and prosecution only. When the so-called’complete deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate (complete inspection)’ was announced earlier this month, Yun appealed to the public through an unusual media interview to stop it. President Yoon, who has more than four months in office, said, “I will bet 100 times if it can be prevented by taking a job.”

Yoon Seok-yeol “Clearly opposing the Heavy Water Administration”

On the 2nd, Yoon said through the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office’s spokesman’s office, “We clarify our concerns and opposition to the Legislative Movement of the Heavy Water Administration under the premise of abolishing the direct prosecution’s right to investigate serious crimes.” This is the first time that Yoon has officially expressed his opposition to the’complete review’ such as the Legislation of the Heavy Water Office. Yoon said earlier this month that the proposal for a bill to establish a heavy water office for passports was announced, and he decided that the statement of position should not be postponed any longer.

In an interview with the media on the 1st, Yun said, “(The establishment of the Heavy Water Agency), “complete inspection” is to provide extraterritorial jurisdiction to powerful powers in the fields of politics, economy, and society. “This is the regression of democracy and the spirit of the constitution. Destruction” he strongly criticized. The’Gamsuwanbak’ legislation is a view of the’extinction of the rule of law’ that causes corruption in power-type and people’s livelihood.

General Yoon stressed that opposition to the Heavy Water Administration was to protect the rights and interests of the people, not the authority of the prosecution. He explained, “Even though the prosecution organization should be separated by having the Anti-Corruption Prosecutors Office and the Financial Crimes Prosecutors Office under the direction of the prosecutor general, the method of separating investigations and prosecutions is unacceptable because it lowers anti-corruption capabilities.” In this regard, an official at the prosecution said, “It does not mean that the prosecution should investigate and prosecute all cases. However, serious crimes of vested powers, power-type corruption, or large-scale economic cases that shake the foundation of the community are directly investigated and prosecuted (prosecution). “It is virtually impossible to get convicted in a trial unless you are in charge of maintaining the prosecution.”

“If these cases were’separate investigation, separate prosecution, separate trial,’ he said, “if these cases were’separate investigation, separate prosecution, separate trial’,” he said, taking examples of the presidential election fund case, large corporation slush fund case, the National Intelligence Service election intervention case, and the Gukjeong Nongdan case. .

It was also mentioned that it was only two months after the prosecution had reduced the scope of the investigation into six serious crimes due to the adjustment of the investigative power. He said, “Sufficient verification time is needed to present the empirical results that the police can investigate sufficiently without the prosecution investigation, or if the prosecution intervenes, it is rather disturbed.”

In this regard, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office explained that “the content of the general Constitutional spirit and the rule of law by General Yoon directly revealed his convictions.”

On the afternoon of the 3rd, Yoon is scheduled to visit the Daegu District Prosecutors’ Office to listen to the opinions of the frontline authorities. It is predicted that there will be an additional speech by President Yoon at this meeting.

Kim Jin-wook also “has a problem”… Beomgye Park “I’m thinking of meeting Yoon Seok-yeol”

Kim Jin-wook, head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KAI), is on the morning of the 2nd to work at the Gwacheon Government Complex, Gyeonggi Province, and answers questions from reporters.  News 1

Kim Jin-wook, head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KAI), is on the morning of the 2nd to work at the Gwacheon Government Complex, Gyeonggi Province, and answers questions from reporters. News 1

Both inside and outside the prosecutors’ office, generally, the opinions of President Yoon are reliant on. Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Seong Ki-beom (40th Judicial Research and Training Institute) posted a post on the inside bulletin board of the Prosecutor’s Office on the same day, entitled “Jungsu Office: Summons of Japanese Special High Police”. He wrote that the heavy water office was “the’special high police (special high school)’ in the days of the Japanese Empire,” and “an investigation agency that was not controlled by anyone as well as prosecutors, and was designed with a specific purpose in mind.”

One of the prosecution’s officials said, “The biggest problem is that the intention to only look at my side for the installation of the heavy water office is the biggest problem.” He pointed out, “I can’t take responsibility for conducting an investigation against the regime.”

At the request of the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office is collecting the opinions of the frontline administrations on the Heavy Water Agency by the 3rd. The great swordsman said, “When the collection is complete, we will also consider ways to make additional positions in an appropriate way.”

Kim Jin-wook, head of the Office of Crime Investigation for High-ranking Officials, also on his way to work on the same day, saying, “It is a problem that maintaining the prosecution may be difficult if the right of investigation and the right to prosecute are separated,” said Yoon’s opinion. Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said that day, “I will listen to various opinions of the members of the prosecution.” When asked if he had any plans to meet with President Yoon in person, he said, “I’m always open,” and “I’m thinking of meeting them.”

Shall we deprive all the right to request complementary investigations in addition to the six major investigative rights?

Hwang Un-ha, a member of the Democratic Party, gives a greeting at a legislative hearing for the establishment of the Severe Crime Investigation Office for the complete separation of the investigation and prosecution held at the Erum Center in Yeouido, Seoul on February 23.  News 1

Hwang Un-ha, a member of the Democratic Party, gives a greeting at a legislative hearing for the establishment of the Severe Crime Investigation Office for the complete separation of the investigation and prosecution held at the Erum Center in Yeouido, Seoul on February 23. News 1

On the 8th of last month, 21 members of the Democratic Party and the Open Democratic Party, including Rep. Hwang Unha, have already initiated a law to establish a heavy water office. Prosecutors have the right to prosecute, maintain prosecution, and warrant claims by separating the prosecution’s right of prosecution and investigation, and are in charge of investigating six serious crimes, including corruption, economy, election, defense projects, public officials, and major catastrophes. The goal of the bill is to establish a separate agency called the Heavy Water Office. A new criminal justice system was applied from the beginning of this year in accordance with the adjustment of the investigative powers of the prosecutors’ office, and a bill was issued that deprived the prosecution of all the investigative powers of the prosecution in 38 days.

The bill to establish a heavy water office, which is being conceived by the Democratic Party Prosecutors’ Special Committee on Reform (TF), is being initiated as early as this week and aims to be dealt with in June. If the passport is not bent, the bill, which is expected to be even stronger than the Hwangun River, is likely to be dealt with. The special commission is considering whether to include a plan to change the prosecution office into a public prosecution office altogether, along with a plan to limit the second investigation right in response to the prosecution’s request for a supplementary investigation and an objection.

Reporters Kang Kwang-woo and Ha Jun-ho [email protected]
