The number of wins and losses of’The Three Dragons’, Jeong Segyun’Reward’ ·Lee Nakyeon’Share’

The preparation of countermeasures to devour the lives of people who have been devastated for more than a year due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is an important opportunity to imprint their brand on the leading presidential candidates in the passport. This is the same level as Lee Nak-yeon, who recently threw the profit-sharing system as a hot topic, as well as the Democratic Party representative, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who emphasized the loss compensation system, and Lee Jae-myeong, the Gyeonggi Governor, who does not hesitate to talk with allies over the payment of universal disaster basic income. In the end, the level of realization of these arguments seems to be the benchmark of evaluation as a presidential candidate.

Nak-yeon Lee (from left), President of the Democratic Party, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, and Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myeong. News 1, Newsis, Yonhap News

‘Compensation’ Jeong Segyun

Recently, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun preempted the issue of introducing a loss compensation system to compensate for the losses of self-employed persons who suffered damage due to collective prohibitions and restrictions for quarantine. “Even if livestock is killed for foot-and-mouth disease or avian influenza quarantine, it is thoroughly compensated, and it is inconsistent and even unconstitutional to ignore the loss of self-employed persons who cooperated with the corona 19 quarantine,” he said.

The problem is finance. Depending on the compensation method, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance expresses difficulty when it is observed that as little as 1.2 trillion won per month (minimum wage and fixed cost support) to 25 trillion won per month (60-70% compensation of lost sales) can be invested. There is also concern that if the national compensation liability is clearly specified in the law, only administrative costs for estimating the amount of loss and fairness disputes will increase. However, Prime Minister Chung rebuked passive bureaucrats, saying, “Is this the country of the Ministry of Equipment,” and reaffirmed his will to break through.

‘Share’ Lee Nak-yeon

Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon brought out the benefit-sharing system. It is a content that seeks to find ways in which corona19 beneficiary industries, such as non-face-to-face platforms, can’voluntarily’ help affected industries. The task force (TF) within the party is discussing various methods, from the’Cooperative Benefit Sharing System’, which is already being piloted by some public institutions, to the plan to create a’Social Solidarity Fund’. Rep. Taeho Jung, who is in charge of the TF, said in a recent talk with the Hankook Ilbo, “The cooperative profit sharing system has a limit in which only companies related to each other, such as subcontractors and subcontractors, can share profits.” ㆍWe are also looking at examples of foreign solidarity funds.” As CEO Lee took a strong drive, the Democratic Party called the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and other related ministries to come up with the idea of ​​a profit sharing system.

Lee Nak-yeon (center), together with the Democratic Party representative, is holding a video conference at the National Assembly on the 22nd for a profit sharing system for platform companies. Newsis

‘Universal’ Lee Jae-myeong

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung is already pushing the’basic disaster income’ made by his own brand in the corona 19 government last year. Although the rate was adjusted at the request of the Democratic Party, the policy to provide the second basic disaster income of 100,000 won to all citizens was not bent. In response to the party leadership’s concern about the COVID-19 quarantine, Governor Lee countered that “the thought that if you apply for universal support, you will be rushed to use the money, you are ignoring the level of public consciousness.”

Although the three leading presidential election runners of the passport are different, they are working together on the other’s core policies and working together to check and cooperate. Representative Lee Nak-yeon actively embraced the loss compensation law. On this day, the Democratic Party’s leadership decided to promote legislation by bundling the Loss Compensation Act, the Cooperative Profit Sharing Act, and the Social Solidarity Fund Act as the ‘3rd Act on Win-Win Solidarity’. However, regarding the basic disaster income, Lee said, “It is a blinking left turn and going to the right.” Prime Minister Chung’s profit-sharing system and disaster basic income are both negative. Democratic Party lawmaker Lee Won-wook, who is close to Prime Minister Chung, publicly criticized Governor Lee Jae-myeong on that day, saying, “Let’s stop the populist debate.” The one-time disaster subsidy has been given the name’basic income’, and the governor has set aside that he is excessively self-policing. Prime Minister Chung also criticized the profit-sharing system, saying, “It could be another source of conflict in society.” Governor Lee Jae-myeong pointed out the inefficiency, saying, “Isn’t it done in good faith rather than efficiency?”, but defended the loss compensation system, saying, “As the Prime Minister said, Korea is not a country of the Ministry of Equipment.” Inside the party, it is said, “As the coronavirus regime continues, how concrete and skin-friendly policies will be presented in the presidential race, which will begin in earnest after the April by-election, will be the point that divides their competitiveness.”

Seongtaek Lee reporter

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