The number of domestic mutant infections increased by 9 to 27… ‘No cases of infection among contacts’

4 from UK-3 from South Africa-2 from Brazil

The arrival hall at Incheon International Airport 2nd Passenger Terminal is busy on the 10th, as people infected with mutant viruses from the UK and South Africa are being confirmed in Korea.

In Korea, nine additional people were infected with the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutant virus.

The Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) said on the 25th, “After the 18th of this month, a genome analysis was conducted to confirm the foreign virus. Of the nine newly identified, four were infected with mutations originating from the UK, three were infected from South Africa, and two were infected from Brazil. Of these, seven were confirmed cases in the quarantine stage entering Korea, and the other two were confirmed by diagnostic tests performed after entering the country.

An official from Bang Dae-bon explained, “As a result of the investigation of the confirmed person, there have been no confirmed cases of infection until now,” and said, “In the case of 3 people who had accompanying family members, each one was infected with Corona 19. However, one out of these three was not infected with the mutant virus, and the other two are currently being tested. As 9 additional people were discovered this time, the number of confirmed cases of mutant virus infection in Korea increased to 27. Among them, 19 people were infected with mutations originating in the UK, 5 people were infected with mutations in South Africa, and 3 people were infected with mutations in Brazil.

In the case of a mutant virus from the UK, it is known that its transmission power is 1.7 times stronger than that of the existing virus. In addition to the UK and South Africa, mutant viruses are currently being identified in the United States, France, Germany, and Japan. The government is strengthening the management of foreign immigrants to block the inflow of mutant viruses into the country as much as possible. All immigrants entering Korea must undergo a corona19 diagnostic test within 3 days after entering the country and two times before quarantine release, and must submit a’negative confirmation’ of the gene amplification (PCR) test when entering the foreign country.

/ Reporter Park Ye-na [email protected]

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