The National Council promotes signature policies in ’21, including establishing a carbon-neutral standardization strategy: The Signal News

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

[더시그널뉴스=김정우 기자] The National Institute of Technology and Standards of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced on the 7th that it will focus on carbon-neutral standardization, strengthening safety management in the non-face-to-face era, expanding support for commercialization of innovative technologies, and improving the response to technology regulations as four major signature policies in ’21.

To this end, the National Pyramids will allocate the largest budget ever for standard R&D in ’21 and expand new projects and invest a budget of 162.5 billion won, an increase of 20.0% compared to ’20.

First of all, the National Intelligence Service establishes and promotes a carbon neutral standardization strategy as a signature policy in the standard field.

We will actively develop standards that can realize carbon neutrality by utilizing’green tech technologies’ such as excellent low-carbon technologies and digital technologies in the battery and hydrogen fields we have.

This is to support the creation of a new promising low-carbon industry ecosystem such as new and renewable energy, hydrogen and electric vehicles, advance into the global market, and ultimately contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050.

He said that he plans to reflect the carbon-neutral standardization strategy in the ‘5th National Standard Basic Plan’ to be announced in March and establish a’Carbon-neutral Standardization Strategy Roadmap’ that contains specific standardization tasks and strategic goals in the first half of the year.

As a standard R&D budget, we will invest 62.2 billion won, a 30% increase from 20 years, to promote the largest standard development ever.

With the US, high-tech industries and carbon-neutral fields, and Germany, the standard cooperation policy council with low-carbon industrial and technological powerhouses such as smart technology and future cars will be established on a regular basis, and standard cooperation between Korea, China and Japan will be strengthened.

In the field of product safety, safety management for untact and online distribution products is reinforced by reflecting changes in non-face-to-face consumption trends.

He said that it plans to add untact-related products such as masks, air purifiers, sterilizers, and sterilizers to safety management targets, and conduct intensive safety investigations on products used in indoor leisure and hobby activities.

To this end, the National Pyramid will invest 7.2 billion won, the largest ever, for product safety investigations.

By revising the Basic Product Safety Act, it introduces a product blocking system to major online malls such as Coupang and Naver, and blocks the online distribution of illegal and defective products by imposing an obligation to take measures to implement recalls to online mall operators.

In addition, safety management will be promoted to improve the quality of life of the socially underprivileged, who may be more marginalized in the corona era, by enacting safety standards for playground equipment for children with disabilities such as wheelchair swings.

In the field of testing and certification, the support system for commercialization of new convergence products will be expanded to help advance various innovative technologies into the market.

It expands the subject of new product certification to new industries such as future cars, general managers, and medical devices, and supports the development of certification standards necessary for the official approval of regulatory sandbox products and the launch of the industrial convergence new product market.

By promoting the establishment of a test infrastructure for antiviral household goods, which has increased in demand due to Corona 19, as a new budget project in ’21, we will strengthen the performance and safety verification test capabilities of new demand products.

In addition, it supports the Green New Deal policy by preparing management plans for new demand chargers such as electric vehicle wireless chargers and hydrogen vehicle chargers.

In order to enhance the vitality of SMEs and mid-sized companies, we will also actively strive to improve the nature of responding to technology regulations.

He said that it plans to establish a’three-year comprehensive plan for technical regulation response’ that supports industrial policies such as the 4th Industrial Revolution and K-New Deal and K-trade strategy, and plans to expand and reorganize the comprehensive support center for responding to trade technology barriers to a permanent organization.

In order to reinforce the ability to respond to trade technology barriers, the National Council increased its budget by 41% from 4.9 billion won in 20 to 7 billion won in 2009.

Regarding domestic technology regulations, companies are highly sensible and promote’improving lumped technology regulations’ to discover and resolve difficulties in demand for improvement.

Seung-Woo Lee, head of the National Institute of Technology and Standards, said, “Amid fierce competition among countries around the world to gain an edge in the non-face-to-face economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the post-corona era, Korea It will be the first year of the great transformation toward this leading economy.” and “The National Council’s agency is committed to not only supporting policy implementation by establishing a standardization strategy linked to industrial policy in a timely manner, but also enhancing corporate vitality and strengthening international competitiveness. I will focus all of my capabilities.”
