The mystery of the death of a girl in Gumi, which even embarrassed experts

On the morning of the 11th, Seok-mo, the mother of a 3-year-old girl who died in Gumi, Gyeongbuk, is entering the court for a substantive examination of an arrest warrant at Gimcheon Branch of the Daegu District Court. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationOn the morning of the 11th, Seok-mo, the mother of a 3-year-old girl who died in Gumi, Gyeongbuk, is entering the court for a substantive examination of an arrest warrant at Gimcheon Branch of the Daegu District Court. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

Seung Jae-hyun, a research fellow at the Korea Criminal Policy Research Institute, said, “I replaced (his) with my daughter’s child and made her raise her daughter, and never paid attention at all for six months.” Everything remains as a question mark.”

On the 12th, researcher Seung appeared on the YTN radio’Hwang Bo-seon’s Starting New Morning’ and asked the people around him how he should judge psychologically and mentally, saying, “I did not pay any attention until I was found dead.” No one answered clearly,” he added.

Seok-mo, who was arrested the day before, strongly denies that the child who died was not her own. Since it is such a bizarre event, there are many views that the genetic test is wrong. Researcher Seung determined that the possibility of genetic testing errors was low and that Seok-mo was lying.

He said, “It is true that the physical evidence is more certain than a person’s statement, and because DNA is clearly said to be his child, it is correct.” Considering the fact that she never lies, the girl who died is the child of her maternal grandmother,” he stressed.

Researcher Seung pointed out that it seems clear that a daughter in her twenties gave birth to a child, and that investigative power should be gathered to find the whereabouts of this child. The child born by Seok-mo in her 40s was replaced with a child born by her daughter, and it was confirmed that she died alone in a villa.

He said, “The first fact is that someone changed the children of the grandmother and the daughter, and the changed child died, and the whereabouts of the changed child is unknown.” Emphasized.

The day before, the Gumi Police Station revealed that the mother of a 3-year-old girl, who is believed to have died of starvation after being left alone, is not a woman in her 20s, but Seok-mo in her 40s, known as her maternal grandmother. Genetic testing revealed that the maternal grandmother is the birth mother of a 3-year-old girl, and K, who is known as the birth mother of a 3-year-old girl, is an older sister. The police estimate that Seok-mo, in her 40s, pregnant and gave birth at the same time as her daughter in her 20s, and swapped the two children to hide the birth. What happened to the child born by a daughter in her twenties has not been confirmed. Currently, the police are conducting a genetic test on Seok-mo’s inner-year-old man to confirm whether the deceased child is the father or not.

[고득관 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
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