The Myanmar crisis headed for street battles… 4 soldiers bombed by protesters grenade

▲ Myanmar anti-coup protesters with weapons

As protesters condemning the military coup in Myanmar threw grenades to kill soldiers against bloody suppression, the conflict between the two sides is in the form of street fighting.

According to local media reports, yesterday (4th) in the Sagaing area in central Myanmar, a grenade threw at a military truck by protesters exploded, killing four rioters at the scene.

It is said that the protesters were building barricades by building bricks on the road, and immediately threw grenades to retaliate when the military police fired.

Earlier in the Sagaing region, as casualties continued to occur due to the bloody suppression of the military, protesters and residents began to fight in earnest with weapons.

In the process of suppressing the protests on the 25th of last month, when a young man in his 30s was killed and 7 people were injured, the resentful citizens launched a counterattack the next day, killing 4 soldiers.

On the 2nd, 6 soldiers were killed in an attack led by a police officer who disobeyed the order of suppression from the upper part of the office.

Local media say at least 14 soldiers have been killed in a civil counterattack in the last 10 days in the Sagaing area.

In addition to the Sagaing area, it is said that some protesters and residents are resisting the shooting of live ammunition by the military and police by shooting with a priest gun or throwing a Molotov cocktail.

In Bago, central Myanmar, it was reported that yesterday’s military-owned news agency Mitel’s office and government troops guard were bombed.

According to the Myanmar Human Rights Organization, the Political Offender Support Association, a total of 570 people died until yesterday as the military cracked down the protesters after a coup in February.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
