The more positive students are about the future, the more they focus on learning.

[이데일리 이순용 기자]In these days, when face-to-face class time has been sharply reduced due to Corona 19, a study in the United States has shown that it is highly likely that teachers and parents should help students show a positive attitude toward the future so that they are less likely to drink alcohol and engage in troublesome behaviors and faithfully engage in online school classes. . Teenagers who had more stable and happy experiences in childhood were at lower risk of using drugs such as alcohol and cannabis.

According to the Korea Food Communication Forum on the 4th, Professor John Froiland of the Department of Education at Purdue University in the United States surveyed 1,961 high school students (53% female) located in the San Francisco Bay area. The results of this study, which were published in the recent issue of’Addiction Research & Theory’, a specialized academic journal, were published by’Science Daily’, a web media specializing in science in the United States.’Drinking and drug risks are positive students with happy memories. ‘Drink and drug risk is lower among optimistic pupils with’happy’ memories’ was introduced in the January 25 article titled.

The research team evaluated students’ happiness and expectations for the past, present, and future. In the last 30 days, binge drinking, including average academic performance, cannabis and drinking were also analyzed.

As a result of the study, the more students showed positive attitudes toward the future, the lower the risk of alcohol use, binge drinking, and drug abuse. The academic record was higher. Students who view life positively tended to be more motivated and focused on online learning.

In the thesis, the research team said, “Due to the prolonged COVID-19, the proportion of online learning in teens is increasing significantly, and dependence on alcohol and drugs is increasing as they suffer mentally.” “If teachers try to form a more positive relationship with students, students He pointed out that there is a high possibility that he will learn hard and not fall into alcohol and drugs.” In order to improve students’ academic achievement and reduce delinquency behavior, teachers and parents should actively help students to think positively.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of students in the United States skip online learning or have low levels of participation during the coronavirus. This can be a factor that lowers education and increases the risk of drug misuse.
