‘The military should stop killing’ Myanmar youth and Jogye sect monk Oche Touji

[오마이포토] Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

On the afternoon of the 12th, at the Myanmar Embassy in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Buddhist monk Jo Gye-jong, members of the Myanmar Youth Regiment in Korea, and members of the Overseas Residents’ Movement Solidarity condemned the Myanmar military and urged effective measures by the UN, and carried out a fight to the UN Human Rights Commission of Jongno-gu Seoul office. it started.

Participants turned to Myanmar’s military to “stop violence, arrest, confinement, torture, and killing against citizens who are continuing the peace demonstration, and immediately retire”, He demanded that the civilian government transfer all regimes. To the UN,’We will take effective measures for the resignation of Myanmar’s military, which is committed to brutal and brutal massacre of citizens without hesitation,’ and’Investigate assault, arrest, torture, and murder of the military to take appropriate punishment and measures, and to ensure the safety of citizens. It urged to guarantee’and’immediately implement sanctions against the Myanmar military’.

She is holding her three fingers out in front of the Embassy of Myanmar as a protest sign. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

Myanmar youth holding pickets condemning the Myanmar military. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

While a Myanmar monk is holding a poster calling for democracy, the Jogye sect monks are preparing for a fight. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

Myanmar young man with three fingers outstretched as a protest sign. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

Myanmar young man with three fingers outstretched as a protest sign. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

The Oche Fighter condemns the Myanmar military for committing violence and killings and calls for effective action by the UN. Ⓒ Kwon Woo-seong

