The legal market variable that lawyers value most is’the increase in lawyers’

Employment Information Service Survey Results… Lawyers and law school students evaluated’lack of technology utilization and marketing capabilities’

Bar exam (CG)
Bar exam (CG)

[연합뉴스TV 제공]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lee Young-jae = Research results show that the number of lawyers is increasing among the variables that will affect the future legal market by domestic lawyers and law school (law school) students.

According to the results of a survey released by the Korea Employment Information Service on the 21st, among the 10 variables that could affect the future legal market, lawyers and law school students gave the highest score (out of 100 points)’increased number of lawyers’ (82.9 points) Was.

It means that they are sensitive to the increase in the number of lawyers.

In addition,’expanding the new legal service market’ (74.2 points),’increasing demand for legal services’ (72.8 points), and’expanding the area of ​​legal services’ (72.5 points) were followed. ‘Expanding overseas law firms’ advancement in Korea’ (62.1 points) remained in the bottom.

The survey was conducted from September to October last year with 141 lawyers and 71 law school students.

Among the changes in the legal market 10 years later, the most probable was the emergence of new legal services (81.1 points).

This was followed by’star lawyer appearance’ (78.9 points),’artificial intelligence emergence as an auxiliary means’ (77.5 points), and’lawyer role increase’ (76.2 points).

Ten years later, the ability of lawyers to respond to market changes was the highest scored for the ability to judge and make decisions (85.8 points).

‘Situational awareness and strategic thinking skills’ (84.2 points),’Korean language skills’ (82.4 points), and’Inclusive interpersonal relationships and networking skills’ (82.2 points) were followed. The score assigned to’foreign language ability’ (62.5 points) was relatively low.

When asked about the level of preparation for each competency in response to future changes, the score assigned to’work ethics’ (70.4 points) was the highest. This was followed by’Korean language ability’ (67.3 points),’Judgment and decision-making ability’ (64.9 points), and’Diversity tolerance’ (64.6 points).

‘Technology Utilization Ability’ (46.0 points),’Entrepreneurship’ (46.3 points), and’Marketing and Management Consulting Ability’ (48.5 points) were poor.

Park Ga-yeol, a researcher at the Korea Employment Information Service, suggested that “(for lawyers and law school students) education is necessary to strengthen strategic marketing skills and problem-awareness skills based on data analysis.”

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