The late greeting, Shin Hyun-soo’s position was reflected, but it was not enough to resolve potential conflicts

Ministry of Justice, the late middle executive’s greetings…靑 “Shin Hyun-soo, senior civil servant, also discusses”

‘Surge of death’ Chief Shin returns to 靑 after vacation…

Conflict has ended, but there is a possibility of conflict with the Ministry of Justice in the future

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the presidential secretary’s office, listens to President Moon Jae-in’s remarks at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 22nd./Yonhap News

The investigation team, which is in the process of investigating key issues, such as the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of the Wolseong Unit 1 nuclear power plant, has been relegated to the mid-level prosecutor’s office. Earlier, as the passing of the Blue House Chief Min Jeong-soo, Shin Hyun-soo, was analyzed, the voices of Chief Shin and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol were reflected in order to calm the controversy. However, there are also observations that the spark of conflict remains as this personnel is limited to a small amount and a large-scale personnel has been announced after Yoon retired in July.

The Ministry of Justice delivered a telegram to 18 high-level prosecutors, including the deputy chief and chief prosecutor on the previous day (22nd). First, the 5th criminal prosecutor Lee Sang-hyun of the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office, who is investigating the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of the Wolseong nuclear power plant, and Lee Jung-seop, the 3rd chief of the Suwon District prosecutor’s office, who are investigating the suspicion of illegal departure from the former Vice Minister of Justice Kim Hak-eui were left. All the heads of departments in charge of investigations that put a burden on the Moon Jae-in regime remained. Previously, it was reported that Yun strongly demanded the Ministry of Justice to retain them for the continuity of the investigation.

In connection with the suspicion of “probate adhesion,” the first Detective Chief Byun Pil-gun, who confronted Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Lee Seong-yoon, was also retained. He held the position after breaking the prediction of some of the legal profession that it could be replaced in this greeting. Prosecutor Im Eun-jeong, the prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, was appointed as a central prosecutor and has the authority to investigate. Earlier, some media reported that’Researcher Lim, who tends to be a pro-fatherland, will be promoted to the head of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.’

President Moon Jae-in is presiding over a meeting of chief and advisors at the Blue House on the 22nd./Yonhap News

The Blue House emphasized that the prosecution’s mid-level officials were the result of the prior consultation of the’Ministry of Justice-Prosecutor’s Office-Blue House. Shin, who was excluded from the Ministry of Justice during the process of personnel of a senior prosecutor’s prosecutor on the 7th, and took a vacation after expressing his gratitude, was said to have normally served as a mediator in this personnel.

Prior to the announcement of the prosecution’s mid-term officials on the morning of the 22nd, a senior Blue House official informed the fact that Shin had taken over to President Moon Jae-in and said, “(Senior Shin) had consultations while on vacation and reviewed the matter together. “I know,” he said, “I know that the progress of the prosecution’s personnel has been reported and discussed.” It can be interpreted that it has given strength to the role theory of Senior Min Jeong by mentioning that Shin participated in the personnel process even while on vacation.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, who was responsible for the exclusion of Chief Shin, also helped. Minister Park said, “I think there was sufficient communication whether it was the Blue House or the Great Swordsman,” when asked by Rep. Jeon Ju-hye about the process of coordinating opinions with Shin Chief in the process of reporting to the Ministry of Justice held at the National Assembly on the 22nd. Revealed.

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the presidential secretary’s office, listens to President Moon Jae-in’s remarks at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 22nd./Yonhap News

Meanwhile, Shin, who returned to the Blue House the day before after a two-day vacation, told President Moon that he took over his career and said, “I will do my best to perform my job,” said Chung Man-ho, chief of national communication at the Blue House on the 22nd. After all-round persuasion efforts by the Blue House and passports, it seems that he actually expressed his intention to remain at the Blue House. However, the Blue House did not clarify whether President Moon reappointed Chief Shin. President Shin’s future achievement is in the hands of President Moon. However, considering that President Moon repeatedly held back Chief Shin’s appreciation, there are observations that President Moon will end this controversy by hugging Shin Chief.

Although the wave of resignation has managed to evolve, many point out that the legal sword conflict can recur. In addition, it is because the Democratic Party’s’Prosecution Reform Season 2’is currently in progress. In the large-scale personnel announced in the second half of the year after Yoon’s retirement, Shin has a high likelihood of another clash with Secretary Park. Park Seong-min, CEO of Political Consulting’Min,’ said, “This incident has confirmed the cracks in the high-ranking passports, and there is a high possibility that the sealed conflict will be reproduced.” It seems that the collision will be inevitable while a person who is critical of Min Jeong is sitting.”

/ Reporter Heo Se-min [email protected]

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