The late Channel A investigation team uploads electronic approval for’Han Dong-hoon no charge’

‘Unpaid status’ with the love song of the District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon

Dong-Hoon Han Prosecutor

It is known that the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, which has been investigating the’Channel A case’, made a decision not to charge prosecutor Han Dong-hoon and submitted an electronic approval. However, it has been reported that the Central District Prosecutor General Lee Seong-yoon has not yet made a payment.

According to the law enforcement officials on the 24th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office (Prosecutor Byun Pil-gun) concluded that there was no charge as a result of an investigation by a prosecutor on the 22nd and submitted a bill of approval through the prosecution’s internal network. However, the approval of the Prosecutor’s Office was not made.

The investigation team previously conveyed the opinion that it would be right to dispose of a prosecutor innocent to Lee, but the final decision has been postponed so far. Prosecutor Lee is said to be in a position that it is inappropriate to terminate the investigation when a prosecutor’s cell phone cannot be digitally forensic. Some analysts say that the referee deliberately delays the approval. An official at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office said, “There are no dispositions yet, and it is difficult to answer the decision-making and review process.” The Channel A case began with a media report in March of last year that a reporter belonging to Channel A, a full-time journalist, approached Lee Chul, the majority shareholder of Shillagen, who is being held in close proximity with a prosecutor, and pressed him to reveal the mischief of the chairman of the Roh Moo Hyun Group. The prosecution indicted the reporter in prison last September for attempted coercion under the criminal law. However, he did not disclose the alleged conspiracy with a prosecutor. It is known that the prosecution has not yet secured objective evidence to prove the conspiracy relationship between the two.

/ Reporter Jo Kwon-hyung [email protected]

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