The keywords for the 5 major group New Year’s greetings are’customers, society, and the future’

[이데일리 피용익 기자] The heads of major domestic groups announced their New Year’s Address on the 4th, when they started their first business in the new year, and suggested management directions for this year. The keywords for the New Year’s address of Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Choi, SK Group Chairman Tae-won Choi, LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo, and Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin are summarized as’customer’,’society’, and’future’.

Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong took the place of the New Year’s speech by saying, “If we work together, we can open up the future” at the ceremony for bringing in foundry (semiconductor consignment production) production facilities at Pyeongtaek Plant 2 on that day. This means that Samsung Electronics and its partners, academia, and research institutes cooperate to create a semiconductor ecosystem. This is also in line with the philosophy of’companion with society’ practiced by Vice Chairman Lee.

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Eui-sun, who announced his first New Year’s address after taking office last year, also focused on customers and the future. Chairman Chung said, “We need to make full preparations to become the first mover of a new era, taking 2021 as an important inflection point that will determine future growth.” Emphasizing the transition to a new growth engine to preoccupy the future market, he said, “All our activities are meaningless unless quality and safety, which are the first steps to respect customers, are secured.”

LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo, who has emphasized’customer value management’ as a keyword every year, said in this year’s New Year’s speech, “Let’s make it a year for LG’s fans by completing customer impressions with detailed understanding and persistence.”

SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won, who delivered a New Year’s address on the 1st, said, “It is a time when a new entrepreneurial spirit is needed to sympathize with the society and work together to solve problems.” “Let’s gather strength and mind based on challenge, ambition, and new entrepreneurship.” Said.

Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin said, “We must cherish the trust we have received from customers and society, and pursue harmonious growth with the environment with a long view,” calling for efforts to create synergy with affiliates and overcome crises through strong execution power. He encouraged the executives and staff members, saying, “Let’s not despair against the wall in front of you, but lay the wall together and make it a stepping stone for a leap forward.”

From left: Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Choi, SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won, LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo, and Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin.
