The Japanese government “No plans to hold the’Quad Summit’ in the US, Japan, and China.”

Input 2021.02.08 15:21

The Japanese government announced that it is “not yet scheduled” regarding whether or not to hold the Quad (US, Japan, Australia, India) summit.

Kato Katsunobu, Japan’s Minister of Justice, said at a regular press conference on the 8th, “I know there is no plan to hold a quad summit at this time.” However, “for Japan, we will deepen our ties with more countries at various opportunities including the United States, Japan, Australia and India,” and “We will go forward with the goal of realizing a’free and open India-Pacific’.” Emphasized the meaning.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln. /Reuters Yonhap News

The Japanese media reported that the previous day, the US administration Joe Biden is pushing ahead with a plan to hold the quad summit online, and when the summit is concluded, cooperation to realize a’free and open Indo-Pacific’ will become an agenda.

The Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held twice in New York, USA in September 2019, and Tokyo, Japan in October last year, but no summit has been held. Therefore, experts who heard the news of the quad summit held an analysis that the US is expecting the effect of pressure on China and upgrading the quad diplomatic ministers’ meeting to the summit. In response, China immediately invaded the territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands (Chinese name Diaoyudao), which is in a territorial dispute with Japan, and protested.

The goal of the US-China conflict was revealed in the first call between the heads of diplomacy on the 6th. According to the US State Department, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln spoke with Chinese diplomatic politician Yang Jietsu, saying, “The United States will continue to support human rights and democratic values, including Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong.” He urged China to join the international community that criticizes this. In addition, Blincoln said, “If it threatens the safety of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Taiwan Strait, I will hold China accountable.”

Yang Jietsu, a political officer in charge of Chinese diplomacy /AP Yonhap News

“The two countries should respect each other’s core interests,” the two political bureaucrats responded, saying, “The Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive issue, and China’s sovereignty and territory are at stake.” According to China’s state-run CCTV, both political officials told Minister Blincoln, “The United States must adhere to the three major alliance publications focusing on the principle of’one China’ and reduction of arms sales in Taiwan.” ) The issue is China’s internal affairs, and it will not tolerate interference from outside forces.” In particular, he said, “China will firmly defend sovereignty and security.”
