‘The Iron Man Queen’ ending… Shin Hye-sun x Kim Jeong-hyun x Choi Jin-hyuk all laughed-Star Today

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

At the end of’Queen Iron Man’, a flower of laughter blossomed in the home theater. Shin Hye-sun, Kim Jung-hyun, and Choi Jin-hyuk received a perfect happy ending.

In the final episode of tvN’Queen Iron Man’ on the 14th, Soyong (played by Shin Hye-seon) and Cheol Jong (played by Kim Jeong-hyun) had a happy ending. Jang Bong-hwan (Choi Jin-hyuk) also woke up safely from reality.

Operation of Cheoljong and Soyong to safely infiltrate the palace eventually succeeded. Realizing that Soyong would return to Jangbongwon again, he tried to hold Cheoljong’s hand. He said, “Are you going back? No. He desperately wanted to see only living… seeing it safely, but the place he woke up was in reality Seoul. Returning to Jang Bong-won’s body.

He hurriedly went to the bookstore to find the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, where he found that Cheoljong was made of iron. In Joseon, the uselessness of Jang Bong-won’s soul awakened, and Cheoljong was also able to save his life thanks to his body armor. However, at this time, Kim Jwa-geun appeared and threatened the two with a knife, and Cheoljong fought for his life and saved his use.

Then he headed to the coronation hall.

Afterwards, Cheoljong, who kept his side and prayed for recovery desperately, passed the crisis and cried like a child by holding the hand of goodness tightly at the semantic saying that both the middle war and the fetus were safe.

Jang Bong-hwan smiled while reading the Annals of Ironworks, which became famous as Seonggun in the bookstore, and his real destiny also changed. Cheoljong, Jungjeon, and Jang Bonghwan all had a perfect happy ending.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
