The impeachment proposal was rejected due to insufficient 10 votes… Trump “Historic Witch Hunt”


The impeachment bill against former US President Trump was rejected in the Senate. It turned out that there were 57 votes for impeachment, 43 for no, and 10 votes to impeach. Former President Trump made a welcoming statement right away, claiming it was “the greatest witch hunt in American history.”

Correspondent Lim Jong-joo reports in Washington.


The parliament, where the impeachment trial is underway, is completely surrounded by barbed wire. The access road was also closed from the entrance by a State National Guard vehicle.

With double and triple shields and strict boundaries, it has become like a military base again.

In the midst of a super emergency, shocking videos and transcripts of the congressional riots were presented as evidence one after another.

[스테이시 플래스킷/탄핵소추위원 (민주당 하원의원) : 미국 부통령의 죽음을 요구하는 폭도들의 소리를 들을 수 있습니다.]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was also a target for the mob.

[의회난입 폭도 : 낸시, 낸시, 낸시(하원의장)는 어디에 있나요?]

[스테이시 플래스킷/탄핵소추위원 (민주당 하원의원) : 트럼프는 수개월간 폭력을 키웠고, 부채질했고, 결국 그렇게 됐습니다.]

The impeachment bill for inciting rebellion, however, did not cross the Senate threshold.

[패트릭 레이히/탄핵심판장 (민주당 상원의원) : 탄핵 찬성 57표, 반대 43표입니다.]

The Republican Party was short of 7 votes and 10 votes for the vote.

Both attempts to impeach former President Trump have now gone to nothing.

Former President Trump foretold a counterattack, saying his political movement is just beginning.

Within the Democratic Party, several alternatives are being reviewed to block reruns.

The prosecution’s investigation is also underway, so the second conflict seems inevitable.

(Video editing: Lee Jeong-hoe)
