“The idea of ​​dictatorship” Park Young-sun pointed out… Cho Eun-hee “The idea of ​​covering the frame”

TBS talks over a commitment to equity
Candidate Jo “Kim Eo-jun says that criticism towards himself is okay”
“I told you that you need to balance the TBS”

Cho Eun-hee, a candidate for the People’s Power, running for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election / Photo = Yonhap News

[아시아경제 임주형 기자] The preliminary candidate Cho Eun-hee, who ran for the 4·7 Seoul Mayor’s by-election, strongly criticized Park Young-sun and the Democratic Party preliminary candidate, saying, “We are overrun with dictatorship.”

Previously, Candidate Cho made a statement about his pledge related to traffic broadcasting (TBS). When Candidate Park pointed out that “the idea that the market dominates terrestrial radio broadcasting was only in the days of the dictatorship,” he refuted again.

Candidate Cho said in an interview with KBS Radio’Choi Management’s Strongest Preview’ on the 19th, “Broadcaster Eo-Jun Kim is okay with criticism toward himself, but Candidate Park is overdoing with dictatorship.” “(Criticism toward Eo-Jun Kim) Let’s balance “I told a story.”

He added, “I’m so impatient now. In the past, he wasn’t a parent, but a non-Roh Moo-hyun,” he said. “But now, to become a candidate, I wonder if the minds of his parents will turn around. Why is he so overworked?”

Regarding the point that the pledge to make TBS a’citizen’s trumpet’ is’external pressure’, he explained, “The facts are distorted. If TBS continues its political program, it is a story that it must balance the weight.”

Seoul Mayor Park Young-sun, together with the Democratic Party race candidate, is having a meeting with cultural artists at Daehak-ro Dream Art Center in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 19th. / Photo = Yonhap News

At the same time, he said, “I think (this criticism) is to put a frame on,” he said, “I was just asking to be fair, and I wasn’t telling Mr. Kim Eo-jun to go out (on the broadcast), but the idea of ​​covering it with a frame to rhyme with the dictatorship is really tacky.”

Earlier on the 15th, Candidate Jo appeared on the TBS radio’Kim Eo-Jun’s News Factory’ on the 15th, and said, “In my pledge, I have a pledge to make TBS the trumpet of the citizens, not the trumpet of the government.”

When asked about this, Mr. Kim asked, “If so, will I have to quit the news factory?” Candidate Jo replied, “It may or may not be,” and replied, “Instead, you can create a corner such as a former professor of Dongyang University Jin Jung-kwon and a professor at Dankook University.”

When Mr. Kim asked again, “Isn’t that external pressure to cast a specific person that the mayor of Seoul wants to appear,” Cho responded, saying, “It’s not that, I want to hold the balance weight.”

In response to this, Park pointed out in a radio interview on the 16th, the day after the broadcast, that “TBS is a terrestrial radio broadcast that has already been licensed,” and “it is not a situation in which the market can control”.

He criticized that “the idea that the market can dominate a broadcast was only in the days of the dictatorship.”

Reporter Lim Joo-hyung [email protected]
