“The house documents are coming in this year”… ‘Godmulju’ Seo Jang-hoon again?

“The house documents are coming in this year”… ‘Godmulju’ Seo Jang-hoon again?

Revision 2021.03.02 16:13Input 2021.03.02 15:05

Photo = KBS JOY’Ask Anything’ Capture

[아시아경제 온라인이슈팀] Choi Won-hee, a former figure skater who appeared as a shaman, revealed the fortunes of broadcasters Seo Jang-hoon and Lee Soo-geun.

In KBS JOY’s’Ask Anything’ aired on the 1st, Choi Won-hee, a former figure skater, appeared as a client. On this day, Choi Won-hee said, “I received an excitement on October 4 of last year,” he said. “It’s okay to think that it’s almost half a shaman. It’s possible to identify a person in just one second of the first meeting.”

When Lee Soo-geun asked, “Look at Seo Jang-hoon’s fortune,” Choi Won-hee replied, “I have document luck.” To Lee Soo-geun, who already had a lot of house documents, Choi Won-hee said, “I have a house document that will come in again. It’s a contract,” which aroused the envy of Lee Su-geun. However, he added, “You have to be careful about accidents.”

Earlier, Seo Jang-hoon was known as a building owner of 40 billion won, and attracted attention. He is known to own a building in Hongdae worth KRW 14 billion, following the existing building in Seocho-dong, which costs 23 billion won and Heukseok-dong, which costs 10 billion won.

Choi Won-hee drew attention by advising Lee Soo-geun’s fortune, “I have Kwan Jae-soo. I think it would be better to have a hobby. If I find a way to solve (Kwan Jae-soo), I think I can go over it.”

Photo = KBS JOY’Ask Anything’ Capture

On the other hand, Choi Won-hee is a figure skater who has been known as a next-generation prospect for the past 10 years, and is walking the path of a shaman after receiving a recent rally. Choi Won-hee, who became a “Skin Bodhisattva”, suddenly showed a ghost in the broadcast on this day, telling the story of having to quit coaching and become a shaman, and the creepy experiences he had experienced so far.

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