“The hardest to choose”‘Mistrot 2’Kim Tae-yeon and Kim Da-hyun win… Trot Shindong Confrontation

Kim Tae-yeon received 210 points and Kim Da-hyun 90 points in the’One-on-One Song Confrontation’. [사진=TV조선]

[아이뉴스24 조경이 기자] ‘Mistrot 2’Kim Tae-yeon beat Kim Da-hyun in a one-on-one confrontation.

In the 10th episode of TV Chosun’s’Mistrot 2′, which aired on the 18th, the last 7 players who will advance to the final were hidden through the’one-on-one confrontation’, the second round of the semi-finals. ‘One-on-one-one-song confrontation’ is a method in which participants designate a duet stage after directly pointing out the partner with whom they will be with each other.At the same time, two people need to create a perfect stage in harmony with each other, and at the same time, each has better personal capabilities than the other. It is a mission that can only be overcome by revealing it.

Kim Tae-yeon, who received the highest point in the middle ranking through the first leg of the last semi-finals,’Legend Mission’, and Kim Da-hyun, who won the youngest Jin title at the time of the last round 2 ‘1v1 Deathmatch’, formed a team and shocked the masters.

When the two who are considered to be the strongest winners climbed onto the stage together, the masters complained of pain, saying, “How do you judge”, “Why did you choose this?” and “I think I will vomit.”

On this day, Kim Tae-yeon and Kim Da-hyun appeared in cute appearances divided into Minnie and Mickey Mouse, respectively, and made perfect harmony.

Kim Tae-yeon, who received the highest point in the middle ranking through the first leg of the last semi-finals,’Legend Mission’, and Kim Da-hyun, who won the youngest Jin title at the time of the last round 2 ‘1v1 Deathmatch’, formed a team and shocked the masters. [사진=TV조선]

Jang Min-ho said, “It was the hardest to choose than any other stage, including the master audition for’Mistrot 2′. Two people who have different textures but who are too good did the same 100-to-100. On this stage, even a single measure resonated with me. I voted,” he said.

Jo Young-soo said, “This season was the most difficult to decide. It was divided into dramas. Da-hyun Kim had a sense of stability in the overall rhythm and the lyrics were well delivered. Tae-yeon Kim came into her heart when she was’going to the park’. I hope not to do it.”

Original songwriter Jang Yoon-jung praised “I have never sang my song so thickly. I sang it with my life” and said, “I was in love because I sang with a very cute expression and dance. I did so well.”

The result is Taeyeon Kim’s victory. Taeyeon Kim scored 210 points and Dahyun Kim scored 90 points.

Reporter Jo Kyung-yi [email protected]
