The government’s youth unemployment measure is’this’ only… Public servant recruitment record

◆ 2020 employment shock ◆

Amid the employment crisis, the government is expected to record the largest ever this year as the government aggressively increases hiring employees and public officials from public institutions.

This is the result of the decision to expand employment in the public sector when youth unemployment worsened to the worst level after the financial crisis of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the aftermath of Corona 19. However, when the corona19 crisis normalizes along with the surge in labor costs and pension burdens in the future, there are concerns about various side effects, such as a decrease in work efficiency due to organizational hypertrophy.

Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance, announced at the Emergency Economic Central Countermeasure Headquarters meeting on the 13th, right after the related ministers’ meeting, that 45% of the number of employees employed by public institutions this year will be selected during the first half of the year. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “In the first quarter of this year, we will intensively hire 830,000 people, 80% of the direct job programs, in the first quarter and execute 38% of the job budget early.”

Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said at a briefing that day, “Because we are encouraging new recruitment to public institutions in view of the difficulties in the employment market of young people, the number of new recruits in public institutions this year is likely to increase from last year (25,700).”

During this month, a guideline for the operation of interns at public institutions will be prepared to hire 22,000 hands-on interns per year, and incentives will be given for management evaluation if public institutions officially hire interns in the future. This year, 36,000 public officials are also hiring.

A government official said, “If public institutions and public officials are combined, the number of hiring personnel is expected to exceed 70,000.” Specifically, it plans to hire more than 30,000 new manpower required for the public, such as police, sea police, and fire, and 6450 new government officials, including 5, 7 and 9 grades. 152 local public enterprises, including the Urban Railroad Corporation and the Facility Management Corporation, are also hiring new businesses from January.

The problem is finances. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Energy, the average annual income of public officials was 64.6 million won (before tax), and the total labor cost of public officials in the central government last year amounted to 39 trillion won. Even after the public service pension reform in 2015, the national reserves invested in the public service pension deficit exceeded 2 trillion won every year. The same goes for labor costs in public institutions. Of the 340 public institutions, the labor cost of 274 profitable businesses this year was 29,5742 billion won, an increase of 6 trillion won from 2017 (23,613.5 billion won), the first year of the Moon Jae-in administration.

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