The government will implement an eco-friendly car-oriented country in 2025

-Promoting the creation of a global boom in electric vehicles and hydrogen electric vehicles this year

-24% reduction in automobile greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

The government announced on the 18th that it had held the 122nd National Pending Review and Coordination Meeting and discussed the ‘4th Eco-friendly Vehicle Basic Plan’, which contains strategies for fostering eco-friendly vehicles for the next five years.

The meeting was held at Hyundai Cha-Kia Namyang Research Center, presided over by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun. The 4th Basic Plan for Eco-Friendly Vehicles aims to establish a social system for the spread of eco-friendly vehicles, to pioneer a carbon-neutral era through technological innovation, and to accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral industrial ecosystem.

First, the government set a goal to reduce automobile greenhouse gases by 24% by 2030 through the spread of eco-friendly cars. To this end, it plans to supply 2.83 million vehicles by 2025 and 7.85 million eco-friendly vehicles by 2030. Public institutions will implement 100% mandatory purchase of eco-friendly cars from this year, and a target system for purchasing eco-friendly cars for private consumers such as rental cars and large companies will be introduced this year. Subsidies and incentives will be expanded for commercial vehicles such as taxis, buses and trucks. In addition, it plans to use hybrid vehicles as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire cycle by improving fuel efficiency.

The charging infrastructure will secure more than 500,000 chargers by 2025 to meet more than 50% of the number of electric vehicles supplied. The super-fast charger that can run 300km with a 20-minute charge will also be installed in earnest, starting with the installation of more than 123 units this year. Hydrogen refueling stations will build 450 units by 2025 to reach anywhere in the country within 30 minutes. This year’s goal is to secure 180 units nationwide and 51 units in the metropolitan area. In addition, the hydrogen electric vehicle set a goal to cut its sales price by more than 10 million won by 2025. It is also considering extending the cuts in the opening tax and acquisition tax, which are scheduled to expire at the end of this year.

The government will realize an eco-friendly car-oriented country in 2025

It will also support technology development for the opening of the carbon-neutral era. Electric vehicles will improve the battery system by 2025 to achieve a driving range of 600 km or more and energy efficiency of 6.5 km/kW or more by 15%. It also set a goal to commercialize all-solid-state batteries (400Wh/kg) by 2030. Hydrogen electric vehicles will be expanded to all commercial vehicle classes by 2025, and will secure more than 500,000 km of durability and more than 800 km of driving distance. In addition, through the development of liquefied hydrogen vehicles, it is expected to achieve a mileage equivalent to that of diesel trucks (1,000 km or more). In addition, it is also promoting the commercialization of hydrogen production and charging infrastructure using water electrolysis, biogas, train regenerative braking, and carbon dioxide capture, and eco-friendly overall mobility of railroads, aviation and ports.

For a carbon-neutral industrial ecosystem, 500 parts companies by 2025 and 1,000 parts companies by 2030 will be converted into companies related to the future car industry. In connection with the allocation and connection of eco-friendly vehicles, consulting on the use of retired personnel (complete car companies), R&D, funding, and marketing support (government) are promoted, discovering more than 100 companies wishing to reorganize business annually, and reorganizing 4 businesses including finance, technology, engineering, and human resources Expand the means of support. It will also cultivate small and mid-sized companies in the field of future cars. Supporting the conversion of eco-friendly vehicles to development of public platforms (miniature electric vehicles, buses and trucks), conversion of hydrogen buses, specially equipped vehicles (cleaning and sprinkling vehicles, etc.), and encouraging the creation of new industries through special regulatory zones and regulatory sandboxes, and Big3 funds (150 billion won). . It plans to invest in R&D and facilities to promote the future car conversion of small and medium-sized manufacturers.

Meanwhile, the 4th basic plan for eco-friendly vehicles will be finalized after deliberation by the State Council.

Reporter Ki-Sung Koo [email protected]

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