The government dispatches delegation to bargaining detainees of Iran on the 7th

The government dispatches delegation to bargaining detainees of Iran on the 7th

Revision 2021.01.06 18:03Input 2021.01.06 18:03

[아시아경제 박형수 기자] A government delegation leaves the country early on the 7th to negotiate the early release of Korean ships and crew detained in Iran.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to send a working-level delegation headed by Bureau of the Middle East of Africa, Ko Gyeong-seok, and concluded negotiations with Iran. The delegation will take a flight departing from Incheon International Airport at 0:35 on the 7th to enter Tehran, Iran.

The Iranian government showed that it was not necessary for a Korean delegation to visit, but the government decided to dispatch a delegation through consultation.

The delegation plans to negotiate with the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Confirm the facts of the violation of environmental regulations claimed by Iran. It is likely to determine whether the detention of ships was a technical issue, as the Iranian government claimed, and whether other motives, including complaints about the freezing fund issue, were at work.

Currently, a total of 20 sailors are detained in the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. There are 5 sailors of Korean nationality.

On the 10th, Choi Jong-gun, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will depart for Iran. Vice Minister Choi is expected to discuss the issue of frozen funds with the Iranian government along with the early release of the crew.

Reporter Park Hyung-soo [email protected]
