The government decides to suspend flights departing from the UK by two more weeks until the 11th of next month

Input 2021.02.24 21:06

Amid growing concerns about the fourth epidemic, including the spread of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutant virus from the UK, foreign immigrants wearing quarantine uniforms at Incheon International Airport in Yeongjong Island on the 5th are heading for a temporary quarantine facility. /yunhap news

The government has decided to extend the suspension of operations for flights departing from the UK by two more weeks to prevent the influx of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutant virus into the country.

According to the quarantine authorities on the 24th, the suspension of direct flights from the UK scheduled for the 25th will be extended by two more weeks until the 11th of next month.

The government temporarily suspended flights departing from Heathrow Airport in London, England from December 23 to 31 last year, and continued to extend it after mutant viruses appeared one after another in the UK.

The government has raised the level of quarantine response during the quarantine process to block the influx of mutant viruses from the UK.

It is known that the corona mutant virus, which is prevalent in the UK, has 1.7 times higher transmission power than the existing virus.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of the 15th of this month, the number of countries with mutant viruses from the UK increased to 94. Variations from South Africa and Brazil were counted to occur in 46 and 21 countries, respectively.

To date, the number of people who have been confirmed to have been infected with the mutant virus in Korea totaled 128 people, including 109 infected from the UK, 13 from South Africa, and 6 from Brazil.
