The government closely supports hydrogen-invested companies… Launched’Hydrogen Innovation Desk’

Hydrogen Economy (PG)
Hydrogen Economy (PG)

[정연주 제작] illustration

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Boram Yoon = The’Hydrogen Innovation Desk’, a dedicated organization that closely supports hydrogen-invested companies to achieve results, has opened.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held a signing ceremony for the Hydrogen Innovation Desk at the headquarters of the Hydrogen Convergence Alliance Promotion Team (H2Korea) in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 12th.

The hydrogen innovation desk plays the role of supporting companies’ bold hydrogen economy investment plans to lead to concrete outcomes and fostering hydrogen specialized companies.

First of all, a’dedicated investment project support team’ is formed to closely support the entire process from initial investment planning to completion of a company. The company’s difficulties are always collected to support regulatory reform, system preparation, and local government licensing agreements.

In addition, the’Technology and Management Support Group for Hydrogen Specialized Companies’ is formed to support technical (technology transfer, product certification, performance testing, etc.) and management (strategy establishment, accounting consulting, etc.) consulting.

It is planning to increase the capabilities of specialized companies by developing markets using the integrated hydrogen industry information system and connecting professional technical personnel, and further, fostering more than 1,000 specialized hydrogen companies by 2040.

Prior to that, SK, Hyundai Motor, and POSCO[005490], Hanwha, Hyosung[004800] Five group companies, including the group, announced plans to invest 43 trillion won in hydrogen economy by 2030.

Small and medium-sized companies are also planning to invest more than 1 trillion won in specialized fields.

An official from the Ministry of Industry said, “With the launch of the Hydrogen Innovation Desk, we will ensure the effectiveness of corporate investment and increase synergy between companies.”

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