The government believes that apartments sold for 1.1 billion are now… Divorce crisis housewife lament

“I’m scared to say I’m paying for a house every day, so I sell it”
“I was possessed by a ghost?”
Real estate embedding in the friendly community

A monthly rent consultation guide is posted at a real estate agency in Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul.  Photo = Reporter Shin Kyung-hoon

A monthly rent consultation guide is posted at a real estate agency in Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul. Photo = Reporter Shin Kyung-hoon [email protected]

After the Moon Jae-in administration was launched, real estate prices in the metropolitan area have risen significantly, and citizens who have suffered losses are complaining through online communities.

On the 18th, according to the online community free bulletin board, a netizen posted a post complaining that “the price of an apartment sold to 1.1 billion has soared to 2.3 billion.” She and her husband owned the 7th apartment complex in Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, and the Moon Jae-in government swears that it will “get the price of the apartment” and sold it.

Actually, in August 2017, when the Moon Jae-in government was inaugurated. At the time, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mi recommended selling the house to multi-homed people, saying, “Sell your house.” This was because the ownership tax could increase and house prices could fall. In fact, consumers who have sold their houses to the government’s solicitation are regretting. This is because housing prices have soared and loans have declined, making it difficult to buy a house in Seoul.

In the case of this netizen, despite the opposition from her husband, she was disappointed after selling her house, and said that she was in divorce crisis. He said, “It seems like I was possessed by some ghosts at the time. I was forced to sell my apartment despite my husband’s opposition,” he said. He ended the story by saying, “I lived on a charter basis because of the children’s school district, but now I am living on a smaller average level.”

Dissatisfaction caused by the soaring real estate price is also being filled with the representative friendly-minded community, Kleeang. Kleeang even closed the internal’real estate bulletin board’ last year as complaints about the current government’s real estate policy poured out. In particular, there are many netizens who complain of the jeonse crisis that arose with the enforcement of the lease law last year.

A netizen in Klyang said, “I always go to the real estate once a day. It seems like it’s a chartered sale.” There were people who said that I should see it,” he complained of housing insecurity.

Another netizen, who was directly hit by the jeonse riot, said, “(To my wife) I rather complained about MB (Former President Lee Myung-bak) that I had the best time to live. It is true.” He said, “I think,’What’s the difference between selling and selling a country to eat and live alone during the Japanese colonial period?’ I will,” he said.

Meanwhile, officials from the Moon Jae-in government are forecasting a stabilization of house prices starting from the announcement of the 2nd and 4th real estate measures. After the announcement of the measures, President Moon Jae-in ordered the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to “walk the fortunes on stabilizing home prices.” Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum also appeared in the media one after another, saying, “Now, I can collect my soul and not buy a house.”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance also emphasized that “after the announcement of the second and fourth real estate measures, the rise in house prices is decreasing.”

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at the 2021 business report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport held in the form of a video conference at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 16th.  2021.2.16 / Blue House Photo Reporter

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at the 2021 business report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport held in the form of a video conference at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 16th. 2021.2.16 / Blue House Photo Reporter

However, the market and other experts are in a position that they cannot be trusted. Heon-dong Kim, head of the Real Estate Construction Reform Headquarters at Kyungsil-ryeon, said in an interview with “Did you not say that the price of the house will fall in the same way during the August 4 supply measures last year. Again, the house price will rise in the opposite direction.”

Headquarters Kim said, “I doubt whether the President is willing to pay for the house,” he said. “President Moon promised to collect the house price every year after taking office. He has already tricked the people five times. Will you be deceived again this time?”

Headquarter Kim said, “I knew at least where the planned supply was for the last time, but I don’t know where the planned supply was for this measure.” “No.” “The government said it would supply 830,000 households, but in reality 30,000 households are difficult,” he said. “The Moon Jae-in administration has only 10,000 homes sold by the public for four years,” he pointed out as a quick measure.

Reporter Kim Myung-il, [email protected]
