‘The girls hitting the goal’ Park Sun-young, the decisive’wedge goal’ towards the championship…the best minute

The winning team of’The Girls Who Hit the Goal’ became’FC Fire Moth’. SBS Broadcast Capture

In SBS’Goal Girls’,’FC Fire Moth’ became the first winning team, and set an unrivaled record for New Year’s special entertainment with No. 1 in the same time zone X terrestrial entertainment for two consecutive days.

According to Nielsen Korea on the 13th,’The Girls Who Hit the Goals’ broadcasted on the 12th recorded 11.8% (based on part 2) of households in the metropolitan area, and 5% in 2049. I grabbed my stomach.

In particular, when Park Sun-young’s winning key goal in the’FC Fire Moth’ VS’FC Gavengers’ final, which made her hands sweat, the highest ratings per minute soared to 14% and focused attention.

On this day,’FC National Team’, which unfortunately defeated in the second half game of’FC Fire Moth’ VS’FC National Team,’ burned up a fight against’FC Gusok Height’ and 3rd and 4th place matches.

Particularly, when Jeon Mira expressed her regret that “I was really angry, I had a little tears”, Han Chae-ah recalled the time of the ‘2002 World Cup 3rd and 4th place match’ and expressed sympathy. Likewise, Han Hye-jin, who once had a taste of defeat, said, “I can never be in the last place” despite an injury with a bruised thumb toenail, and burned’the desire to win’ for the game.

However, in the 3rd and 4th place, Jeon Mi-ra of’Jeon Minator’ scored a whopping 3 goals with aggressive shooting and tireless power, setting the first hat-trick record of’Goal Breaker’, leading the team to the championship. After the game was over, Jeon Mi-ra first called her second daughter and said, “Mom scored 3 goals, did you do well?”, confirming the face of the three strong children’Mom’.

The winning team of’The Girls Who Hit Goal’ became’FC Fire Moth’. SBS Broadcast Capture

In the long-awaited final,’FC Gavengers’ and’FC Fire Moth’ faced each other and unfolded a bout of Park Bing. In particular,’FC Gavengers’ Ace Onami complained of pain from thigh muscle pain before the game, but she even shed tears for fear of damaging the team members, saying, “I’m so sorry for the pain,” hurting my heart.

But when the game started, Onami said, “I shouldn’t give up here because my seniors are working too hard.” The Gavengers, who met a strong opponent, boosted the morale of the team members with Shin Bong-seon’s poisoned toad-like fire spirit and goalkeeper Cho Hye-ryun’s strong defense.

However, the final match was led by’FC Fire Moth’ as ​​expected. The opening goal of flexible striker Jo Hana from the dance department was followed by the goal of the all-weather ace Park Sun-young, and the championship went to’FC Fire Moth’.

In particular, at the moment of the popping of Thanos Park Sun-young’s wedge, the audience rating in Bundang soared to 14%, making it breathtaking. Regrettably defeated Gavengers coach Hwang Sun-hong comforted the team members by saying, “I did my best,” and Jo Hye-ryeon said, “I thought I was dying to pursue Park Sun-young,” and admitted that he fought well.

At the final awards ceremony, the final winning team’FC Fire Moth’ received the championship trophy and 6 kinds of home appliances as prizes. Lee Seong-mi, who was the oldest player, said, “I was so happy and happy that I was working out together, but I’m a little disappointed that I lost,” and “And I hate’Park’s”.” Lee Soo-geun suggested a rematch two months later, and all four team players were once again burning their will and pledged to play the next game.

Afterwards, MVP Park Sun-young said, “Everyone’s passion is the winners. I didn’t know that women liked soccer this way”, and model Song Gyeong-ah said, “I feel like I’m getting energy,” and Han Chae-a said, “It was really fun.” Through the ‘Goal Bilyeo’ game, he drew attention by confessing that it was a valuable experience not only to relieve the stress of daily escape, but also to build a hot friendship between women.

Jinju-hee reporter

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