The first inoculation in Germany is 101 years old… Astrado approval is imminent

This time in Europe, the coronavirus is spreading faster. In Germany, a 101-year-old man was vaccinated for the first time, and 27 member states of the European Union have also started vaccinating against coronavirus. The UK will also approve the use of the corona vaccine developed by AstraZeneca earlier next month, and it is likely to begin mass vaccination.

This is Kim Yong-cheol.


The COVID-19 vaccine, jointly developed by Pfizer and Bio&Tech, began shipping to 27 EU member states starting Saturday.

It was decided to be vaccinated at once from Sunday, but Germany, Hungary and Slovakia started vaccinating as soon as they received the vaccine.

[스즐라빅/헝가리 혈액감염기구 대표 : 오늘 처음으로 헝가리에서 코로나19 백신 접종이 시작됐습니다.]

In Germany, where vaccination was started in the elderly, a 101-year-old woman was first vaccinated in a nursing home in Saxony-Anhalt.

In Slovakia, a member of the government’s Corona 19 Countermeasure Committee received the vaccine first to give confidence in the vaccine.

[크라메리/슬로바키아 코로나19 대책위 위원 : 아무 문제 없었습니다. 백신을 맞고 있다는 것도 모를 정도였습니다. 모기에게 물리는 것보다 덜했습니다.]

Most of the vaccines delivered first to EU countries are less than 10,000 doses, so full-scale vaccination is expected to be available from next month.

On the 6th of next month, the European Union is planning to review emergency use approval of the Corona 19 vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical company Modena.

The British daily Telegraph reported that the British government will soon approve the COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca and will distribute it from the 4th of next month.

(Video editing: Seunghee Lee)
