The fallen king is back, new role champion’Viego’ released

▲ The new role champion’Viego’ has finally been released (Photo courtesy of Riot Games)

Riot Games is releasing’Viego’ as the 154th new champion of the League of Legends (hereinafter referred to as the role). He is the most powerful and evil king in the history of Runeterra, who caused the collapse of the world of Runeterra, which is the background of the role.

Viego is a cruel champion who controls the fog and rules death. As an ancient king, he loses his beloved queen and is engulfed in madness, and is stabbed by his sword by the queen’s specter to revive him. His ghost, who triggered the great fall of Runeterra, is revived and appears in Summoner’s Rift.

Viego, a combat-type assassin, is a champion suitable for jungle positions and is characterized by the ability to reverse enemy power. Viego temporarily dominates the enemy and recovers some of the opponent’s health. You can change items, basic attacks, and basic skills other than your opponent’s ultimate, and use your ultimate once without cost.

The skill’Sword of the Fallen King’ inflicts additional damage in proportion to the target’s current health when hitting a basic attack. If you attack the enemy with the skill hit, two attacks are stacked, and the second attack absorbs the opponent’s health. When using the skill, the sword is thrown forward, damaging all enemies hit. After recharging the power, the’Ghost’s Depth’ rushes forward, blows off fog, damages the enemy, and stuns it. ‘Mist Path’ is an effect that spreads a wave of black fog. Through this, it can change into camouflage in the fog, and both attack and movement speed increase.

The ultimate’Heart Destroyer’ is a skill that destroys the body currently controlled by Viego and teleports forward to attack the enemy champion with the lowest HP remaining in the range. The target takes additional damage in proportion to the lost health, and other enemies around it are pushed back.

Meanwhile, Riot Games released a cinematic video’Great Fall’ in the 2021 season, predicting a cataclysm that will come to the world of Runeterra with the release of Viego. Following the return of the fallen king, the three champions to be released in the future will appear with narratives related to Viego. As the console game’Falled King: League of Legends’, which is scheduled to be released this year, is also about the story surrounding Viego, expectations for the story of a new champion are already hot.

Details of the new champion can be found on the official website of LOL, and the cinematic video for the 2021 season can be viewed again on the official YouTube.
▲’Viego’ in-game video (Photo courtesy of Riot Games)
