The dream of 10 years at the new airport… President Moon is filled with emotion while looking at Gadeok

On the 25th, President Moon Jae-in is inspecting the planned area of ​​Gadeok Island Airport in Busan on a fishing guidance boat. President Moon’s expression is tragic, perhaps because of the thought that the dream of constructing a new airport on Gadeokdo Island, which was first announced as a presidential election pledge in 2012, is in front of his eyes. Busan = Senior Reporter Taeseok Wang

On the 25th, President Moon Jae-in inspects the planned site of Busan’s Gadeok Island airport and hears a report from Busan Mayor Lee Byung-jin. Busan = Senior Reporter Taeseok Wang

On March 31, 2016, President Moon Jae-in held a press conference as the then-honorary president of the Democratic Party’s Busan Election Countermeasure Committee and announced the promise of a new airport in Gaduk Island. At this place, you can see the current presidential secretary chief Yoo Young-min (first left), who served as a candidate for the Democratic Party in Busan at the time. yunhap news

On June 9, 2016, after the Democratic Party produced five members of the Busan area in the general election at the time, former Democratic Party representative Moon Jae-in and Busan City Party officials visit the projected site of the Busan Gadeok New Airport and tour the site. Hankook Ilbo data photo

On the 25th, President Moon Jae-in visited a new airport on Gadeok Island in Busan. As the second step on the regional balanced New Deal Tour, he attended the’Southeastern Megacity Construction Strategy Report’. However, it is a sensitive period ahead of the 4·7 re-election, and with Lee Nak-yeon and the Democratic Party representative and other key passport-setters accompany a bunch of people, there is a controversy over the government-level election intervention.

On that day, President Moon toured the planned site of Gadeok Island’s new airport by boat, accompanied by the ruling party representative, as well as Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum. President Moon’s eyes on the bow seemed to be filled with emotion, unlike usual. The construction of the new airport on Gadeok Island was first conceived as a gateway airport in the Southeast region in 2006 by the late President Roh Moo-hyun, a lifelong comrade of President Moon. Since then, President Moon took over and promoted the construction of a new airport, but twice became frustrated. This is the reason why President Moon’s facial expressions crossed in front of the planned construction site of Gadeokdo Island on this day after twists and turns.

President Moon also urged the politicians to enact a new airport special law on Gadeokdo Island, saying, “I hope for an early legislation so that long-lasting wishes can come true as soon as possible.”

On the 25th, President Moon Jae-in inspects the planned site of Busan’s new airport on Gadeok Island and hears a report from Busan Mayor Lee Byeong-jin (third left). Busan = Senior Reporter Taeseok Wang

On October 25, 2012, then Democratic Unification Party presidential candidate Moon Jae-in attended the inauguration ceremony of the Busan City Party Presidential Election Countermeasures Committee held at the Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Beomcheon-dong, Jin-gu, Busan and pledged to win the presidential election together with the party members. Hankook Ilbo data photo

President Moon’s will to build a new airport on Gaduk Island has been consistent over the past decade. President Moon, who was elected as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Unification Party in 2012, said, “As a new airport in the southeast region should be established, Busan should become a world-class center encompassing land, sea, and air.” However, the dream faced the first frustration when he was defeated by Park Geun-hye in the presidential election at the time.

President Moon, who was preparing for a re-challenge for the 2016 presidential election, professed, “In addition, if you give 5 seats to the Democratic Party, this administration will start construction of a new airport in the Southeast region.” In Busan, which was the garden of the Saenuri Party at the time, five Democratic Party candidates were elected, and President Moon once again had an opportunity to realize that dream. Immediately after the miraculous victory of the general election, the party officials and party officials urged the construction of a new airport on Gadeokdo Island, and announced the intention to include the construction of the new airport on Gadeokdo Island in the 2017 presidential election.

Jean-Marie Chevalier, chief engineer of the Paris Airport Authority Engineering (ADPi), France, who has been conducting a site selection service at the’final report on the preliminary feasibility review study for new airports in the Southeast region’ held at the Government Complex Sejong on June 21, 2016, presents the research results. Reporter Seo Jaehoon

On June 21, 2016, an official from the Pan-City Citizens Promotion Committee of the Southern Area New Airport is removing a banner with the contents related to the new airport at the Daegu Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On that day, the French Paris Airport Authority Engineering (ADPi) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport concluded that the plan to expand Gimhae Airport was the best alternative. yunhap news

However, within a few days, the Paris Airport Authority Engineering (ADPi) of France, which received a service for selecting a candidate site for a new airport in the southeast region, decided that it was inappropriate for construction costs and accessibility issues, and Gadeokdo was eliminated from the final candidate site for a new airport. Even President Moon’s second attempt to build a new airport in Gadeok Island was frustrated.

Since then, the dream of the new airport on Gadeokdo Island, which had been submerged under the water, quickly emerged as the ruling party was outnumbered ahead of the Busan Mayor’s by-election on April 7th. The’Special Act for the Construction of New Airports on Gadeokdo Island’, which was strategically brought up by the ruling ruling party, unfortunately passed the National Assembly Judiciary Committee on the 25th, when President Moon visited Gadeokdo Island, and is about to pass the plenary session on the 26th. It is paying attention to whether President Moon’s third challenge can succeed this time.

On the 25th, President Moon Jae-in inspects the projected site of Busan’s new airport on Gadeok Island and listens to explanations from Busan Mayor Lee Byung-jin. Busan = Senior Reporter Taeseok Wang

On June 9, 2016, Moon Jae-in, then former Democratic Party representative and officials from the Busan City Party, visited the planned site of the Busan Gadeok New Airport and urged the construction of the airport. Hankook Ilbo data photo

President Moon Jae-in is giving a greeting at the’Southeastern Megacity Construction Strategy Report’ held on the 25th of the Busan New Port Multipurpose Wharf Maritime University training ship. Busan = Senior Reporter Taeseok Wang

Wang Tae-seok Senior Reporter

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