The day before Blingen’s visit to Korea… North Korean Kim Yeo-jeong’s first stance toward the United States was’a restrained warning’

It can be seen as a clear message to the United States that the talk by North Korean Labor Party Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong came out a day before the first visit by the US Secretary of State and Defense. However, despite the issue of joint training between the United States and Korea, the arrows were mainly directed to Korea, and rarely used expressions that provoked the United States.

Kim Jong-un's younger sister of the North Korean State Council Chairman Kim Yeo-jeong, the First Vice-Director of the Labor Party [연합뉴스]

Kim Jong-un’s younger sister of the North Korean State Council Chairman Kim Yeo-jeong, the first vice-president of the Labor Party [연합뉴스]

In Kim’s talk on the 16th, the criticism against the United States was the last two sentences. Mr. Kim said, “I give a word of advice to the new administration of the United States.” “If it is a wish that you want to sleep for the next 4 years, it would be better not to create a job that will be sluggish from the start.”Warned. It is an evaluation of a modest response in its own way compared to the criticism of the criticism of the expressions such as “a native fool”, “a horde who has completely lost the ability to discriminate”, and “the road ahead will be very painful and uncomfortable”. Government officials said, “From the talks that have been released, Mr. Kim may have mobilized a much tougher expression this time. I have adjusted the level of expression quite a bit“It was evaluated.

“Compared to slander to South Korea, the level of messages to the US is adjusted”
Purpose of influencing the 2+2 meeting and review of North Korea policy
The U.S. appears to warn North Korea in case of actual action

In particular, Vice Minister Kim did not comment on the fact that the US side recently offered to talk to North Korea. Earlier, on the 13th (local time), the White House said, “I tried to talk to North Korea from the middle of last month, including the North Korean delegation to the United Nations in New York, but there was no answer.” Although it was disclosed as a response to media reports, it was analyzed that it was a gesture to emphasize that the United States has already done its best to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue with an unusual disclosure of details related to the proposal for dialogue.
The United States may unilaterally disclose sensitive matters, but there was no response to this. This is largely compared to showing a sarcastic attitude by first unveiling the Korean government’s proposal for dialogue last year. In June of last year, the Korean Central News Agency called for a special envoy to be dispatched by the South Korean government, but Mr. Kim said it was “completely disallowed” and criticized it in primary colors, saying, “We directed a pitiful farce.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

In the end, when we saw the timing of the talks and the level of expression, this affected the North Korean nuclear talks, which will take place on the occasion of US Secretary of State Tony Blingen and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and the Biden administration’s review of North Korea policy, which is nearing completion. There is room for it to be seen as having an intention to inspire. The ROK-US adopted a joint statement after 2+2 meetings between the foreign ministers and defense ministers on the 18th, and a joint press conference is scheduled to be be.
Im-chul, a professor at the Institute for Far East Studies at Kyungnam University, said, “The discourse on this day also implies a character that warns that it is difficult if a remark that provokes them seriously or the contents of the talks come out during the 2+2 talks between Korea and the US.And analyzed.
At the same time, it is meant to pressure South Korea to actively persuade the United States in a direction that is favorable to them during this Korea-US talks. Kim Hong-gyun Former Head of the Korean Peninsula Peace Bargaining Headquarter“North Korea has virtually lost hope for the role of South Korea, but at least It means that the 2+2 meeting should be more burdensome in convincing the US side and to engage in consultations.“Specifically, instead of the US’s principled policy toward North Korea, the Moon Jae-in administration should persuade in the direction of inducing dialogue and cooperation between the two Koreas.”

In particular, it is noteworthy that Ministers Blincoln and Austin stayed in Japan prior to their visit to Korea, and Kim’s talk was announced just before the 2+2 meeting between the US and Japan. It is interpreted that the biden administration is considering the fact that the exchange of information and opinions between the US and Japan is actively taking place in the process of reviewing North Korea policy. They threw a check in advance, fearing that Japan’s tough policy toward North Korea would be reflected in the US policy.

US President Joe Biden [연합뉴스]

US President Joe Biden [연합뉴스]

As of now, as North Korea has only issued criticism messages to the South and the United States, the possibility that the United States will respond immediately or negatively affect the ongoing review of North Korea policies is limited. White House spokesman Jen Saki stressed a diplomatic solution at a briefing on the 15th (local time) before Kim announced the talk, saying, “Although there has been no active dialogue with North Korea for more than a year, diplomacy remains a top priority.” The White House did not make a difference even after Kim’s speech was announced. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “There is no change in the position that the government should resume inter-Korean dialogue and talks between North Korea and the United States early.” “It revealed a principled position.

However, the situation may be different if North Korea does not end with words and actually conducts provocations. Vice President Kim announced the bombing of the inter-Korean liaison office in June of last year and took action three days later. Therefore, there is a possibility that the Biden administration, which has repeatedly emphasized a strong defense pledge against the alliance, will step into a firm check in the case of North Korea’s military action in the near future or the breach of the inter-Korean military agreement.

Reporter Park Hyun-joo [email protected]
