The Dalai Lama is also vaccinated against coronavirus… ‘Very helpful’

/Reuters Yonhap News

The 14-year-old Dalai Lama, who is said to be a spiritual leader in Tibet, was vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on the 6th.

According to foreign media such as the BBC on the 7th, the Dalai Lama was vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at a facility in India the day before. “This is very helpful,” he stressed and urged others to get the vaccine as well. The Dalai Lama said, “To avoid serious problems, this vaccination will be very helpful,” he said. “Be courageous and get the vaccine.”

The vaccination was conducted at the Jonal Hospital in Dharamsala, northern India, where the government of exile is located. GD Gupta, a doctor at Jonal Hospital, said, “Dalai Lama came to the hospital like the general public and received the vaccinations.” The Dalai Lama stayed in the hospital for about 30 minutes after vaccination to see if any side effects occurred. Ten people living in the Dalai Lama’s official residence were also vaccinated on the same day.

In India, two types of vaccines are being used for vaccination: AstraZeneca vaccine, which is commissioned by the local pharmaceutical company Serum Institute (SII), and a vaccine developed by Barat Biotech, an Indian company. The Dalai Lama received the AstraZeneca vaccine. The Dalai Lama escaped from Chinese pressure and escaped from Lhasa, the Tibetan capital in 1959, established an exile government in India, and has continued non-violent independence movements for more than 60 years. In 1989, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his contributions.

/ Reporter Kim Yeon-ha [email protected]

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