The Colorado firearms criminal is a 21-year-old man, Ahmad Alyssa… ‘First-degree murder’ application

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The Colorado firearms criminal is a 21-year-old man, Ahmad Alyssa… ‘First-degree murder’ application

I’m in the hospital now… Motive of the crime “still under investigation”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Byeong-jin |
2021-03-24 00:27 sent | 2021-03-24 00:33 Last modified

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Colorado Grocery Store Suspects in Firearms (Twitter Capture) © News1

On the 22nd (local time), the identity of the criminal who fired a gun at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, USA, was revealed to be a 21-year-old male “Amad Alyssa”. Alyssa was charged with the most severely punished first-degree murder.

According to the Reuters-AFP news agency on the 23rd, local authorities said at a briefing that morning they had decided to apply 10 charges of first-degree murder to the criminal.

Previously, 10 people, including one policeman, were killed in this shooting. At the briefing that day, the victims were found to be between the ages of 20 and 65, including Eric Tally, a veteran policeman with seven children.

Local authorities also revealed that the criminal’s identity was a 21-year-old male, Ahmad Alissa. He said that the motive for the crime is still being investigated.

Alisa was injured after confrontation with the police in a gunfight at the scene of the incident, but has recovered.

Alisa is currently staying in the hospital and will soon be transferred to Boulder County prison, Reuters said.

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