The Chosun Ilbo “Mental Dividing Behavior” in the North Korean Nuclear Power Plant Construction Plan File

SBS, exclusively reported on the public complaint on the 28th

The contents of an indictment related to the early shutdown of the Wolseong nuclear power plant unit 1 prosecution indicted by the prosecution were revealed through media reports. The indictment contained the charges against the three employees of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and a list of 530 files that they deleted. Controversy is spreading more and more as it was confirmed that a number of files related to’North Korean nuclear power plant construction and inter-Korean energy cooperation’ were included among the 530 deleted files.

On the 28th, the SBS’Panda to the End’ team obtained a complaint from the main news, ‘8 News’, and reported on the contents of the complaint. According to SBS reports, in October and November 2019, the Board of Audit and Inspection twice requested the Ministry of Industry for data related to the decision to close the Wolsong 1 plant in order to evaluate the economic feasibility of the Wolseong nuclear power plant. The Board of Audit and Inspection conducted an audit at the request of the National Assembly.

▲ SBS '8 News' press screen on the 28th was captured.
▲ SBS ‘8 News’ press screen on the 28th was captured.

However, the three officials of the Ministry of Industry decided to submit only a part of the official final document, excluding the data requested by the auditor. The Ministry of Industry agreed in advance to submit only a part of the final document and delete interim reports or internal consultation materials that could be determined by the Audit Office.

▲ SBS '8 News' press screen on the 28th was captured.
▲ SBS ‘8 News’ press screen on the 28th was captured.

In the deleted data, there was a document to identify trends of civic groups and unions opposing the post-nuclear policy. The most controversial part was the file that attempted to establish a nuclear power plant in North Korea. These files include’Promotion Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Construction in North Korea,”Step-by-Step Cooperation Tasks for the Construction of North Korean Electric Power Infrastructure’,’The Current Status of the North Korean Electric Power Industry and Integrated Cases in Germany’. Moreover, the deleted files were created from May 2 to 15, 2018, which is between the first inter-Korean summit and the second inter-Korean summit in 2018.

Of the three officials who deleted the data, two were prosecuted in detention and one was prosecuted without custody. Their trial will be held in March.

▲ Page 1 of the morning general newspaper on the 30th.
▲ Page 1 of the morning general newspaper on the 30th.

Political politics’attack’ on the report of the North Korean nuclear power plant establishment plan

On the 29th, Kim Jong-in, head of the People’s Power Emergency Response Committee, said, “The attempt to close the Korean nuclear power plant and build a nuclear power plant in North Korea in extreme secrecy is a shocking transfer that could shake the fate of the regime beyond the nuclear power plant gate. There was also clear evidence that it had illegally inspected civic groups against the post-nuclear war. The Moon Jae-in government’s civilian inspection DNA was revealed intact.” In addition, Chairman Kim Jong-in criticized strongly that “the government’s attempt to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea is a shocking transfer act.”

▲ Captured the news screen of MBC'News Desk' on the 29th.
▲ Captured the news screen of MBC’News Desk’ on the 29th.

Then, through a briefing, Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “Chairman Kim insisted that the South Korean government decided to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea, and expressed it as a transfer. That’s an absurd argument. No matter how much ahead of the elections, he said, “I don’t believe it’s from the mouth of the opposition party’s representative.”

The Chosun Ilbo, the most concentrated report among 8 newspapers

The morning newspapers nationwide on the 30th reported the news at once. The Chosun Ilbo dealt with this news most importantly among the eight newspapers. In an article on the front page of the Chosun Ilbo, the suspicion that the’Moon Jae-in administration was trying to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea’ has not subsided. In this regard, on the day of the April 27 Panmunjom talks, the anecdote when President Moon Jae-in handed a USB to the Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un about the’New Economy Initiative on the Korean Peninsula’ was re-lighted.”

▲3 pages of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.
▲3 pages of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.

The Chosun Ilbo, in the words of a former Ministry of Unification official, said, “What North Korea requested in exchange for denuclearization from the 1994 Geneva agreement is the construction of a light water reactor for power supply and energy support. As the North Korean denuclearization scenario includes a plan to provide nuclear power to the North, there is a possibility that the government will materialize this in the inter-Korean dialogue phase in 2018.”

The Chosun Ilbo also covered the news on the second and third pages that follow. On the second page, he interviewed three professors who are experts in nuclear power, and reported an article entitled, “If the government pushed to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea, it would be contradictory.” The article contained the professor’s argument that if the nuclear power plant is really dangerous, it shouldn’t be built in North Korea.

▲ Page 2 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.
▲ Page 2 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.
▲ The first page of the Chosun Ilbo dated November 23 of last year.
▲ The first page of the Chosun Ilbo dated November 23 of last year.

It was also announced that the Chosun Ilbo reported for the first time on the document of the North Korean nuclear power plant last year. In fact, the Chosun Ilbo reported on the front page of November 23, last year, an article titled “There were about 10’North Korean nuclear power plant construction’ files in 444 documents deleted by the Ministry of Industry.” The Chosun Ilbo wrote, “It was confirmed on the 22nd that 10 of the 444 internal documents that the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy deleted during the audit period for Wolseong nuclear power plant No. 1 were included in the report on the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project in December last year.” .

The Chosun Ilbo said, “All documents related to the North Korean nuclear power plant were written in early and mid May 2018. The document was written immediately after the first inter-Korean summit between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (April 27) and just before the second inter-Korean summit (May 26). The current government pushed for the’post-nuclear power policy’ and said,’There is no construction of a new nuclear power plant’, but it was secretly reviewing a plan to build a new nuclear power plant in North Korea.’

▲ An editorial of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.
▲ An editorial of the Chosun Ilbo on the 30th.

The Chosun Ilbo also wrote an editorial. The Chosun Ilbo said, “President Moon said that the nuclear power plant is dangerous and that the nuclear power plant is out. But in the Czech Republic, Korean nuclear power plants boasted in the way that they were the safest in the world. It was dangerous to shut down Wolsong Unit 1, but it was impossible to manipulate the risk. Almost a month before the KHNP Board of Directors to discuss and vote on the issue of Wolsong Unit 1, the government reported to the Blue House that it would be’closed’. In this way, 700 billion won in national taxes was blown away. When the electricity for the production of Wolseong Unit 1 is combined, the loss is more than 1 trillion won.”

The Chosun Ilbo said, “The nuclear power plant industry, which has the world’s best competitiveness, is also collapsing. This loss cannot be measured. “How should I view this schizophrenic behavior to build nuclear power plants in North Korea?” he criticized.

The Chosun Ilbo said, “I can guess the reason why the Moon regime persistently interfered with the auditor’s audit and even tried to photograph the prosecutor general to prevent the prosecution’s investigation. They said they didn’t have’temporary DNA’, so they also made a report on the trends of anti-nuclear war groups. I wonder if we are building nuclear power plants for North Korea’s’denuclearization of fraud’. Did you help the enemy for the summit show? “The prosecution should take the lead in investigating the self-harm of the country.”

▲ 5 pages of the Hankyoreh on the 30th.
▲ 5 pages of the Hankyoreh on the 30th.

The Kyunghyang Shinmun also reported on the first and second pages that there were data such as’North Korean nuclear power plant construction plan’ in the materials deleted by the Ministry of Industry. On the other hand, the Hankyoreh reported this news in a box article on page 5. The articles were organized around the remarks of Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the National Power Emergency Response Committee, and the rebuttals of the Blue House.

KOSPI collapses at 3000 lines in 16 trading days since the 7th

On the 29th, the KOSPI fell to the largest in 5 months and gave out 3000 lines. On the 29th, the KOSPI closed the deal at 2976.21, a sharp drop of 92.84 points from the previous day. The 3000 line collapsed in 16 trading days after the KOSPI first climbed on the 3000 line notice on the 7th.

▲ Page 2 of the Hankook Ilbo on the 30th.
▲ Page 2 of the Hankook Ilbo on the 30th.

The Hankook Ilbo reported on the second page of the article, “This is the result of the 4th consecutive day of decline due to the recent decline in global stock investment sentiment due to concerns over overheating of the’rally’ at the beginning of the year. It was reported that the anxiety triggered by the’game stop incident’ in the United States has further reduced overall investment sentiment.”

The Hankook Ilbo, “However, experts believe that the recent downtrend will not lead to a trending downtrend. As the pressure of the recent rapid rise in the index is high, there is not much possibility of a sharp rise again.

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