The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who said that he wrote “freedom of the press” as the British ambassador

At the end of last year, British Ambassador Caroline Wilson took a picture of an exchange activity in Southeast China's shamans and posted it on Chinese SNS to communicate with netizens. [웨이보 캡처]

At the end of last year, British Ambassador Caroline Wilson took a picture of an exchange activity in Southeast China’s shamans and posted it on Chinese SNS to communicate with netizens. [웨이보 캡처]

Caroline Wilson (51), the British Ambassador to China, recently posted on Chinese SNS, a post emphasizing freedom of speech, which is spreading into Chinese-English diplomatic disputes. Ambassador Wilson, who speaks fluent Chinese, has secured a large number of Chinese netizen fans within five months of his appointment as Vlog for videos filmed while traveling all over China. By Chinese name, he is ambassador Wu Luo-lan. On the 9th, he was invited to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and received an official protest.
The beginning is a post that Ambassador Wilson posted on the official Weishin (Chinese version of KakaoTalk) at the British Embassy in China on the 2nd, “Do foreign media hate China?” After introducing Britain’s freedom of speech, he pointed to the Chinese Communist Party’s oppression of the press and the slogan of “The Sexuality of the Media”. He argued that this is not true, saying that the reports of Chinese government media that attack foreign reporters are increasing, and they mislead foreign reporters as anti-Chinese forces. Ambassador Wilson quotes Le Figaro’s motto of France, “If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless,” and “I cannot prove that a reporter who makes critical reports anywhere in the world does not love the country.” Rather, it proves the value of freedom of speech to be able to point out correct information and points that need to be changed.”

Ambassador Wilson from China “There is no meaning of praise without criticism”
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Narrow-style farming, arrogance like a Seodang medal”

British Ambassador Caroline Wilson captured and posted on Twitter the actions of Chinese censorship authorities that blocked the sharing of her post that emphasized freedom of the press. [트위터 캡처]

British Ambassador Caroline Wilson captured and posted on Twitter the actions of Chinese censorship authorities that blocked the sharing of her post that emphasized freedom of the press. [트위터 캡처]

Ambassador Wilson’s writing was soon banned from sharing by Chinese censorship authorities. Then, Ambassador Wilson posted an image of the part of WeChat that was forbidden to share on Twitter, which was forbidden in China, and wrote, “Someone does not want to share my writing.” Then, the attack of Ambassador Wilson by Chinese state media such as the Hwangu Times followed. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also came out. The European Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited Ambassador Wilson on the 9th. The announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which announced the fact of Chochi, contained a primal slander, saying, “I used black and white evangelism and a double standard (Chinese expression of Naerona Nambu),” and “It is full of arrogance and ideological prejudice like the Seodang medal.” He then protested, “I made a deliberate misrepresentation of defamatory news and surveillance news by complaining of resentment for each of the sanctioned foreign media,” and demanded Ambassador Wilson’s reflection.

British Ambassador Caroline Wilson, who returned from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on the 9th, criticized the actions of the Chinese authorities, saying that Chinese ambassadors sent to the UK on Twitter said they had freely posted more than 170 articles to the British media. [트위터 캡처]

British Ambassador Caroline Wilson, who returned from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on the 9th, criticized the actions of the Chinese authorities, saying that Chinese ambassadors sent to the UK on Twitter said they had freely posted more than 170 articles to the British media. [트위터 캡처]

Ambassador Wilson did not back down. On the 9th after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was initiated, the Chinese ambassador to the UK reaffirmed his firm position on his post, saying, “The Chinese ambassador sent to the UK freely publishes more than 170 articles in the British mainstream media.”
At a regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 10th, spokesman Zhao Lizhen said, “Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiao-ming objectively and positively introduced the relationship between China and China.” “Diplomatic personnel are obligated not to interfere with the internal affairs of the host country.” Insisted.
Beijing = correspondent Shin Kyungjin [email protected]
