The capitol turned into a fortress… Inauguration ceremony for 3 dances of crowd, parade, and dance

The inauguration ceremony of US President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th is special. The reason is that the number of deaths from the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the U.S. reaches 400,000. Biden’s inauguration ceremony was designed to take into account not only quarantine, but also those who lost loved ones.

Biden, 128 Heirloom Bible Oath
Inaugural speech on the subject of harmony, healing, and hope
Commemoration of 400,000 deaths on the eve of Corona

Blocked Washington.  Graphic = Younghee Kim

Blocked Washington. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

Biden’s inauguration preparatory committee will hold an event in memory of the victims of Corona 19 on the eve of the 19th. On this day at 5:30 pm, lights are lit around the pond in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. In line with the main theme of this inauguration ceremony,’United States as One’, candles are lit in 50 states at the same time, and famous high-rise buildings such as the New York Empire State Building are lit, and the church rings a bell.

Biden's inauguration how.  Graphic = Kim Eun-kyo

Biden’s inauguration how. Graphic = Kim Eun-kyo [email protected]

The inauguration ceremony begins at 11:30 a.m. on the west staircase of the Capitol on the 20th. This is the place where Trump supporters intruded on the 6th. Tight security is maintained around the capitol. After opening remarks and prayers, just before noon, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris first sworn in. President-elect Biden takes the oath of office at noon, and at that point takes over the military command.

The main attendees are.  Graphic = Kim Eun-kyo

The main attendees are. Graphic = Kim Eun-kyo [email protected]

Biden puts his hand on the Bible containing his wife, Jill Biden, before Justice John Roberts and takes an oath. It is a large Bible that has been handed down as a heirloom in the Biden family since 1893. Harris uses two volumes: the Bible of the first African-American federal judge, Douglas Marshall, and the Bible of his mother friend who died. The oath was held by Sonia Sotomeier, the first female Latino federal justice. Lady Gaga sings the United States, and Republican country singer Brooks performs inauguration.

Biden then delivered an inaugural speech focusing on national harmony and healing, and a vision and hope for the future. The president and vice-presidents move side by side to the east side of the Capitol to examine all troops in the land, sea, air, and marines, including the space force founded by President Donald Trump in December 2019. Then, with a couple of former presidents such as Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, they move to the nearby Arlington National Cemetery and make a wreath at the Unknown Soldier Cemetery. President Biden enters the White House in a military escort. The traditionally held parade is virtually held this time because of Corona 19. Luncheon is also omitted.

The inauguration ceremony has changed.  Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min

The inauguration ceremony has changed. Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

Biden, who emphasized the’first day of inauguration’ during the election campaign, starts working on this day as promised. After arriving at the White House, the presidential executive order is signed in a short time until the evening celebration. Through this, the presidential election pledges such as re-joining the Paris Climate Change Convention, mandatory wearing of a mask for federal facilities, prohibiting forced eviction of Corona 19 victims, and strengthening restrictions on student interest expenses are implemented.

As the last schedule, there will be a special event celebrating America at 8:30 pm. Singers John Bon Jovi, John Legend, Bruce Springsteen and Justin Timberlake will perform as actors Tom Hanks. On the night of the inauguration ceremony before Corona 19, the prom, which was held simultaneously in several places in Washington, was canceled and replaced with a performance. After the 10pm show, the Bidens celebrate their first night as the owners of the White House.

It is expected that about 1,000 people will attend the inauguration ceremony. Two invitation tickets were distributed to 535 members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and Biden’s administration’s minister-appointed persons and foreign ambassadors to Washington also attend. The inauguration ceremony of the US president does not receive foreign congratulations. In the National Mall in front of the stairs on the west side of the Capitol, which was crowded with attendees during the inauguration ceremony in the past, there was a’field of flags’ decorated with almost 200,000 stars and stripes. It symbolized the people who could not attend the inauguration ceremony due to Corona 19 and enhanced security.

Washington = correspondent Park Hyun-young, reporter Seok Kyung-min [email protected]
