Lee Yeon-joo attorney. Photo Yonhap News TV capture
Prosecutor Lee Yeon-ju (47), former Justice Minister Cho Kook’s wife, Dongyang University professor Jeong Gyeong-shim, was sentenced to four years in prison in the first trial on charges related to illegal entrance examinations for children. Disaster’.
On his Facebook page on the 25th, Lee said, “Professor Jeong was sentenced to four years in prison in the first trial and was imprisoned in court. “How to hate those who try to capture and get rid of that sin.”
“The catastrophe of Christmas Eve left a long aftershock in my heart, and I wonder where the end of this cold reactionary era will be,” he said. “After Yoon was suspended from office, I was called’Former President Yoon’ and said, “ did.
Attorney Lee is the author of “The Reason I Left the Prosecution,” which Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae read during a filibuster (unlimited discussion) on the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Service (KAI) law at the National Assembly on the 9th.
This lawyer promoted his book at the end of the article. He said, “The seal of my book you buy one by one will help me write a book that says, “Think of the prosecution in prison”.”
He added, “By then, many public officials who are suffering from being prosecuted for intervention in the election of the mayor of Ulsan, Jae-soo Yoo, etc. will no longer be subject to the solicitation prohibition law,” he said. “I promise to divide it into the ten o’clock general salary,” he wrote.

Attorney Lee Yeon-joo posted on his Facebook page on the 25th. Facebook capture
Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]