The aunt who killed her 10-year-old nephew “I put it in and out of the bathtub several times”

A police investigation revealed that a 10-year-old girl who died after being entrusted to her aunt’s house was abused by her aunt couple, including water torture and assault. The police believe that “the assault before the victim’s shock may have affected the death” based on the primary opinion given by the autopsy doctor.

“For disciplinary purposes, I hit it for about two days” statement
Since 3 months ago, I’m a nephew instead of my mother.

According to the Yongin East Police Station in Gyeonggi-do on the 9th, aunt B and her husband in their 30s, who had been in charge of A (10), who died the previous day (8th) for the past three months, said in a police investigation, I hit him for about two days.” He also said, “On the day of his death, as a discipline, he took water and put the child in and out of the water several times.” A police official said, “One person grabs the body and the other one grabs the child’s head and puts it in the water.”

When Ms. A lost consciousness and became droopy, she reported to the fire department at around 12:35 pm on the 8th. “The child falls into the bathtub and cannot breathe,” he said. Ms. A was moved to a nearby hospital, but died.

Both A’s bodies are said to have bruises all over the body. Accordingly, paramedics and medical staff suspected of child abuse reported it to the police. On the 9th, the police applied for an arrest warrant on the charges of child abuse and fatality against Mr. B, who was arrested in an emergency.

A police official said, “Because there were many bruises on the child’s entire body, it seems that the previous assault and water torture caused shock,” said a police official.

Ms. A, who lived in Yongin City, has been at the house of Mrs. B living in the same city since the end of October last year. Ms. A’s mother entrusted her daughter to Mr. B’s couple for family problems such as moving. Mr. B has three children. An official from the police said, “We will also investigate whether or not their parents are abused.

Reporter Chae Hye-seon [email protected]
