“The attorney test question, similar to the solidarity law school practice test”

Suspicions have been raised that the questions presented in the 10th bar exam are similar to the practice exams for specific law schools (law schools). As the controversy continued, the Ministry of Justice began to confirm the facts. The Seoul Bar Association plans to consider raising the issue at the level of the association.

According to the legal profession on the 8th, a controversy over the question of the questionnaire in the 10th bar exam’public law record type’ held on the 5th has been raised among examinees. It is said that the questionnaire was very similar to one of the questions that was solved every week in the’Public Law Dispute Practice’ course held in the second semester of last year at Yonsei University Law School.

The issue deals with a lawsuit arising in the process of a local government accommodating a subordinate forest field to develop a complex. Major issues such as acceptance ruling, invalidation of objection, and a lawsuit for increasing or decreasing the compensation amount were the same.

“The problem is not in any textbooks on the market,” said Sung-min Kang, a professor of public law at Mega Royers. .

The incumbent lawyers are also wondering. An attorney said, “There are issues that have not been dealt with mainly so far,” and said, “A lot of examinees have struggled, but it would have been a great help if the problem had been solved in advance.”

The Ministry of Justice said, “There was no law school professor among the members of the public law record type questionnaire,” but said, “We will take necessary measures in accordance with the laws and principles as soon as the facts are confirmed.” An official from the Seoul Bar Association said, “We will consider raising the issue at the level of the association.”

[차창희 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
