‘The 4th is the day Trump re-inaugurates?’ US House schedule canceled due to conspiracy theory

On the conspiracy theory that Trump will be reappointed on the 4th

Let’s materialize the plan for’intrusion of parliament’ on this day

Strengthening the border around the Capitol and canceling the House schedule

On January 6 (local time), some extremists are climbing the wall to break into the Capitol in Washington, DC./Reuters Yonhap News

Ahead of the 4th (local time), tensions are in the US Capitol. On this day, some extremist conspiracy theories spread that the former US President Donald Trump will take office again. This is fake news from the fact that March 4 was the presidential inauguration date set by the parliament in the past. I am preparing for the situation.

On the 3rd, the US Congressional Police said in a statement that “a specific group of militias has obtained information showing a conspiracy to invade the Capitol,” and that it has strengthened Congressional security. “We are taking this information seriously,” he said. “We are aware of and prepare for a potential threat to lawmakers and parliamentarians.” Parliamentary police installed structures around the Capitol to build perimeters, increased the perimeter manpower, and cooperated with local and federal governments to further strengthen security.

The House of Representatives also appears to be tense while revising its schedule drastically. According to U.S. media such as the Washington Post (WP) and Fox News, the House of Representatives decided to close the schedule quickly this week by pulling the schedule for handling the police reform bill originally scheduled for the 4th to the evening of the 3rd. It was in response to a warning from the authorities that the intrusion to the Capitol could be rekindled. Some lawmakers were concerned that canceling the schedule could send an erroneous message that “it went as intended by the extremists”, but considering the fact that even the deaths in the intrusion of Congress in January this year, they decided that it would be appropriate to prepare as much as possible. see. However, the Senate has not yet revealed whether or not the schedule for handling the stimulus bill, which will begin on the 4th, will be adjusted.

On the 3rd (local time) growing concerns that a second congressional intrusion could occur, the National Guard and congressional police are stepping up guards in front of the Capitol in Washington, DC./AP Yonhap News

‘Trump re-employment’ is obviously fake news. It stems from the fact that before the 20th Amendment was ratified in 1933, the presidential inauguration date set by the US Congress was March 4th. However, extremists’ plans for congressional riots took shape as the 4th neared. CNN broadcast reported that, according to information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security, discussions on the’March 4 conspiracy theory’ among extremists including members of the far-right militia organization’Three Percenters’ have increased. The Washington Post (WP) also cited researchers who monitor the Internet environment such as the’Safe Web Alliance’ and reported that “I found a post discussing a more specific injury plan than before the invasion of the Capitol in January this year.”

This is the appearance of the aftermath of the unprecedented intrusion of the Capitol in January this year. According to the Associated Press, about 300 participants have been prosecuted so far in connection with the intrusion to the Capitol Hill. In addition, five people, including the congressional police, were killed in this incident. The Democratic Party has announced that it will promote the establishment of a bipartisan investigation committee to investigate the intrusion. However, the Republican Party was struggling with issues such as the composition of the committee and the scope of the investigation.

/ Reporter Kwak Yoon-ah [email protected]

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