The 4th consecutive year Kim Jong-tae task is to find a successor within a year.

Hana Financial Group Chairman Kim Jung-tae is exclusively recommended as the next chairman, and it has been virtually confirmed for four consecutive years. Although Chairman Kim succeeded in reappointing, the term of office was limited to one year under the group’s bylaws, so training successors is emerging as the biggest issue. It is expected that this greeting will reflect his intentions in mind for the next president-elect In-sun.

According to the financial sector on the 25th, the Hana Financial Group Executive Candidate Recommendation Committee is scheduled to hold a meeting on the same day and announce the candidates for the CEO of major affiliates. Out of a total of 14 affiliates whose term expires in March this year, five are Hana Bank, Hana Financial Investment, Hana Card, Hana Capital, and Hana Savings Bank.

Among them, it is known that there is a high possibility of the exchange between the bank and the head of financial investment. Hana Bank Chairman Ji Seong-gyu caught up with the inclusion of the Financial Supervisory Service’s sanctions in relation to the private equity crisis. The Financial Supervisory Service has notified Hana Bank, a trustee of Optimus Fund, of the suspension of some of the fund trust services.

In addition, the Financial Supervisory Service is scheduled to hold a sanctions review for Hana Bank in the second quarter of the coming lime fund sales.

Lee Jin-guk, CEO of Hana Financial Investment, has requested an investigation by the Financial Supervisory Service to the prosecution on charges of violating the Capital Markets Act, such as prior trading.

Accordingly, in this greeting, there are many views that Chairman Kim will choose the next leaders to lead Hana Financial and take a thick candidate for CEO. In the meantime, President Kim has denied succession several times. However, as the people mentioned as candidates for the next chairman-elect were exposed to legal risks one after another, the outside directors of the group decided to extend the term of chairman Kim by one more year to stabilize the organization.

Chairman Kim is expected to actively appoint the younger generation in the representative personnel of this subsidiary to cultivate successors. Vice Chairman Park Seong-ho, who is currently mentioned as the next head of Hana Bank, was born in 1964, and Lee Eun-hyung, who became the next representative of Hana Financial Investment, was born in 1974.

An official from Hana Financial said, “Chairman Kim, born in the 1950s, expressed his intention to step back and raise a reasonable person among the next generation,” and said, “The fact that the people mentioned as representatives of affiliates are the younger generation seems to reflect this intention. Said.

Vice-president Park, who was named with Chairman Kim in the final candidate group for the next president-elect (short list), has served as Hana Financial Group’s Group Strategy Director, Hana Financial Group CEO, and Hana Bank Indonesia Corporation. It is evaluated as having rich experience and excellent knowledge in the digital, global, and asset management fields that are growing in importance. Vice-Chairman Lee is a global financial expert who served as Vice-Chairman of China’s Public Investment.

Before confirming his succession, Chairman Kim gave a lecture on the subject of’Leader’s Qualities’ to group executives. When he left Hana Bank and moved to the holding chairman, it was Chairman Kim, who gave lectures on marketing to bank employees.

In a lecture, Chairman Kim emphasized that “leaders should not work for personal interests, but for the organization,” and urged them to “show the appearance of a senior who takes the lead without refusing to do bad things.” It seems that the future will be mixed depending on how well the candidates for president-elect show the qualities of the leader Kim mentioned over the next year.

[김유신 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
