The 2nd largest market cap growth rate among Korean G20s… China ranked first

Last year, the Korean stock market's market capitalization growth rate ranked second among the 20 major countries (G20)./Photo = Getty Images

Last year, the Korean stock market’s market capitalization growth rate ranked second among the 20 major countries (G20)./Photo = Getty Images

Last year, the market cap growth rate of the Korean stock market was found to be second among the 20 major countries (G20).

On the 2nd, Bloomberg’s total market capitalization of 86 major stock markets in dollar terms on December 30 last year was $102,955 billion. This is an increase of 18.4% from the end of 2019.

Among them, the market cap of the Korean stock market was $2,982 trillion (about 3239 trillion 943 billion won), an increase of 45.6% over the same period.

The market cap growth rate of the Korean stock market was the 6th out of 86 countries and the 2nd highest among the G20 countries after China. China’s market cap was $10,0784 trillion, up 45.9% during this period.

The top four countries in the growth rate were all countries with small stock markets, with Slovenia at the top (167.6%), followed by Zimbabwe (124.4%), Luxembourg (70.0%) and Cyprus (46.1%).

Among the stock markets of the G20 countries, the US market cap increased 23.7% to $42,5203 billion, while Germany (10.5%), France (9.3%), and Japan (8.5%) also showed an increase. However, the market capitalization of the UK (-5.8%) declined.

Among 86 countries, Barbados, in the West Indies, had the lowest performance with its market cap shrank by 95.3%, followed by Venezuela (-63.1%).

Reporter Lee Mi-kyung, [email protected]

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