The 26th Caring People of Delivery Supporting the purchase of in-house stores

The 26th’caring company’ of the nation of delivery… ‘My store’ purchase support

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Park Sang-don = The Ministry of SMEs and Startups has selected elegant brothers who run the delivery app’Bedal People’ as the first and 26th’caring company’ this year.
A caring company is a voluntary win-win cooperation company that shares its capabilities and know-how with small businesses.
On the 18th, the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises signed a business agreement with the elegant brothers and small business associations at Baemin Academy in Songpa-gu, Seoul to’realize a protocol economy through win-win cooperation’.
The elegant brothers plan to contribute 5 billion won to support the purchase of’My Store’s stores so that small businesses with more than 10 years of business can operate stably.
In addition, it has decided to actively participate in the operation of the’Delivery Platform Win-win Council’, in which private associations and organizations participate, and participate in the establishment of a support system for small business owners.
In addition, the company decided to provide customized marketing analysis information to individual store owners for free by providing its own transaction information by region and industry to the commercial area information system operated by the Small Business Market Promotion Corporation.
The elegant brothers plan to expand education programs for small business owners nationwide, and provide on-site customized professional counseling to small business people who have completed the education.
Mid-term Minister Park Young-seon said, “To resolve the side effects of the platform economy, it is essential to share the information held by the platform and establish fair rules to discuss ways to grow together.” “He said.
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