“That father and that daughter”… Liz Cheney leads Trump’s impeachment despite’traitor’ stigma

The third person in the party who led 10 Republican lawmakers in favor of impeachment
Father Dick Cheney also confronts Trump with “submit to the presidential election”
Republican leadership in the aftermath of the impeachment issue

Liz Cheney, chairman of the Congressional League, third in the Republican House of Representatives, voted in favor of the impeachment of President Trump, along with 10 other Republican members of the House of Representatives. The photo shows a speech at a press conference held at the Capitol in Washington on October 22, 2019. Washington = AFP Yonhap News

The father is the daughter. No, it’s Cheongchuleoram. His first daughter, Liz Cheney, who inherited his political genes, is more like a father than former vice president Dick Cheney, a famous hardliner. On the 13th (local time) in the House of Representatives, of the 10 Republican lawmakers who voted in favor of the impeachment bill for President Donald Trump, daughter Cheney is right in the first place. The general evaluation of the US media is that Cheney came to the fore and gained momentum in the Democratic Party’s impeachment plan. CNN broadcasted him as “the Republican conscience”. Cheney is the chairman of the Republican House of Representatives Federation and ranks third in the party.

The rebellion, not the party leadership’s rebellion, engulfed the Republican Party in infighting. Cheney was stigmatized as a’traitor’ and intense saturation poured out. ‘Freedom Caucus’, a group of ultra-strong right-wing lawmakers, began to issue a petition for a special meeting calling on that day, arguing that Cheney should be ousted from the position of president of the Congressional Federation. The petition obtained by the political media Politico contained the content that “Cheney did not reflect the position of the majority of the Republican Legislative League, which disgraced the party and promoted discord.” “It shows that opposition to Trump can still be a political poison within the party,” Politico noted.

But Cheney doesn’t care at all. He made it clear that he had no intention of coming down from his seat, saying, “I’m not going anywhere.” He also said, “This is a vote according to conscience.” Congressman John Katko, who also favored the impeachment, sent a letter to his colleagues saying that he should stop his resignation, expressing his support for Cheney. According to the media, Cheney said in private to his colleagues, “I want to be on the right side of history.” In a statement released the day before, he condemned that “President Trump has summoned a mob, mobilized it, and drew the flames of an attack,” and “committed an irreversible act of betrayal to the United States.”

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney. AFP Yonhap News

This completely separated the Cheney family from President Trump. Earlier, former Vice President Cheney, his father, also set up a day with President Trump. Earlier this month, 10 former defense ministers sent a contribution to the Daily Washington Post in the joint name, criticizing President Trump for accepting the election results. His father, Cheney, served as defense secretary under President Donald Reagan, and as Vice President during President George W. Bush, he led the Republican Party’s strong diplomatic and security stance. The daughter was elected to the House of Representatives in 2016 in Wyoming, her father’s district, and entered politics. Politically, there is a criticism that he is more conservative than his father, because his sister Mary, even though he is gay, is against same-sex marriage.

There is no way such a principleist can be shaken by the opposition within the party. In the meantime, President Trump has been driven several times over foreign policy and national security issues. Before the joint Senate-Household meeting to certify the presidential election results was held on the 6th, a 12-page article explaining to colleagues why it is unconstitutional to reject Joe Biden while opposing the movement to challenge the election results within the party. I also sent it. Even with this impeachment issue, the Republican House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and House General of the House of Representatives Steve Scullis have been in confrontation.

The Republican leadership is on the verge of Pungbi Baksan. One Republican lawmaker pointed out that “there is a problem with the Republican leadership,” said McCarthy and Scallis for President Trump’s disapproval of elections, and Cheney for the constitutional impeachment. Another lawmaker predicted, “I support Cheney, but many Republicans will agree to oust him from the leadership.”

However, supportive opinions are also difficult. Congressman Chip Roy said that despite opposing the impeachment, “Cheney defending the Constitution and faithful to his convictions should be praised, not accused.” Congressman Dan Cranshaw also insisted that “Cheney should continue to play a leadership role with full support.”

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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