Thanks to Yunho Yunho… Another beautiful story is known

Published an article on “U-no-Yun-ho to announce good conduct”
In the midst of the exposure of’Happy’

Donation by Yunho Yunho / Photo = Hankyung DB

Donation by Yunho Yunho / Photo = Hankyung DB

Another beautiful story of Yunho Yunho was revealed amid the pouring outrage.

On the 17th, a post was posted on the online community titled “I will inform you of the advancement of Yunho Yunho,” stating that they suffered from school violence in the past, and overcome it with the help of Yunho Yunho. The author revealed the reason for writing, “I couldn’t tell Yunho at that time, but I want to say thank you.”

The author introduced himself, saying, “Because I’m introverted and optimistic, I couldn’t speak or get angry even if I was joking or hit hard.”

“The same classmate wounded my arm with a knife, and like a fool, I didn’t even know that it was school violence, and I thought it was only a joke.” I cried in pain and thought about dropping out.”

The author said, “It was more difficult because of the reactions of my friends who looked at me like a fool,” and “Yunho Yunho was a classmate, but he was not in the same class, and he wasn’t close. I looked at my arm and said,’Is that the child?’ and told me with the nuance of’Will I punish you?’

“I was embarrassed and said,’It’s okay,’ but that word helped me a lot. I graduated safely without dropping out, and now I’m living with a good family.” Above all, the interest and support of the surroundings seems to be important in school violence, and I want to express my gratitude to Yunho, which I could not do at the time.”

Along with this, Yunho Yunho released the graduation album of the middle school known to have graduated.

The following is the full text of Yunho Yunho

Yunho Yun-ho informs us of good deeds (related to Hakkeok)

Recently, I am a celebrity, athlete, and there are a lot of cases of school violence. I also forgot about it, but I am writing because I remember the school violence I had in middle school.

Because of my introspective and optimistic personality, I had a stupid middle school day when my friends played a lot of jokes or even beaten them and couldn’t speak and get angry.

Then something happened, and a friend in my class broke my arm like a knife, and I was so stupid that I didn’t even know it was school violence and thought it was just a joke.

Eventually, after the homeroom teacher discovered and received counseling, I realized that this was school violence, and it was painful, and I felt so stupid that I even dropped out of school.

But what was even more difficult here was the reaction of friends around me who looked at me like a fool. It was more painful than the violence.

To get to the point, the reason I mentioned Yunho Yunho, who was a middle school alumni, was an alumni, but I wasn’t close because I wasn’t in the same class. He looked at his arm and grabbed him, and he said,’Is this the child?’

I was embarrassed and said that it was okay, but that word became a tremendous power in my heart, and I did not drop out of school and graduated safely, and now I have a good family and live well.

The reason I wrote this article in the midst of school violence these days is because, first of all, the interest and support of the surroundings seems to be important, and I want to express my gratitude to Yunho Yunho, which I could not do at that time.

I always cheer when I come out of TV. I want many people to know that I was a really passionate and righteous friend.

Reporter Kim So-yeon, [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
