Tesla, Facebook glasses cheaper than Sonata… Previously advanced technology big bang notice

◆ MiraCletter / 10 innovative technologies in 2021 Silicon Valley ◆

# The’Pixel’ smartphone made by Google will contain a special artificial intelligence (AI) chip’Google Silicon’. ‘Amazon Silicon’ and’MS Silicon’ will also be released. All companies are now semiconductor companies.

# Tesla electric cars under $30,000 will be announced. People who wondered’Should I buy a gasoline car?’ will increase.

# When you open Facebook, your friends sell things. When I see what I like, I pay my friend in cryptocurrency. I think this will happen within this year.

# Open the video conferencing chat window, listen to the lecture, and say that you have work to calculate with Excel. It’s too hard to calculate when you close and open the window. Just opening the video conference window will open up a world where you can write documents at once.

# Google, Robo Taxi sortie

What new technologies will excite us in 2021? Miraclutter, which will be delivered on the morning of the 7th, is expected to contain the above prospects by synthesizing the results and evidence of various local reports in Silicon Valley, USA (to subscribe, enter’Miracleter’ in the search box).

First of all, MiraCletter believes that a great mobility innovation will take place in the new year. It is predicted that Google Waymo will be the first of the world’s old cities to operate a robo taxi in San Francisco, USA. It is a big challenge to have a driverless self-driving taxi run in the old city center. There are many obstacles and it’s complicated. As Tesla Amazon Apple is hitting and coming up, Waymo is expecting a win-win.

Tesla is likely to release a model that will cost less than $30,000 this year. Through Battery Day in September and the performance announcement in October, the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk revealed his goal of building a $25,000 vehicle. As it is cheap, more people will choose electric vehicles instead of gasoline vehicles, right?

In addition to Tesla, more than 20 new electric vehicle models, including the’Libian’ electric truck that Amazon invested, will be announced this year. There were rumors that Apple also announced an electric car model in the second half of this year.

# Amazon, AI semiconductor production

Are there any predictions related to artificial intelligence? There is one interesting thing. It is a self-made artificial intelligence semiconductor such as’Google Silicon’,’Amazon Silicon’ and’MS Silicon’. Apple already attached a self-designed semiconductor called’Apple Silicon’ to the MacBook last year.

We were able to cut costs and customize MacBook performance. We expect that both Google, Amazon, Microsoft (MS) will release specialized semiconductors for their respective purposes. The semiconductor competition that awakens powerful artificial intelligence will be even hotter this year.

I think there will be new innovations in the fintech area as well. Facebook is hoping that the virtual currency project (Libra), which has been preparing for many years, will soon bear fruit and release a coin called’DM’. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, it is characterized by being a’stable coin’ with a stable value. The US financial authorities recently expressed their opinion that it is worth trying.

# Video conferencing solution M&A

Do you use a lot of video conferencing products such as Zoom, Gurumi, MS Teams, and Webex with Corona 19? In 2021, I think we will incorporate many new features into these video conferencing products. Aaron Levy, CEO of BOX, which provides web storage space, told us, “In the new year, we plan to announce a large-scale new product that attaches a content creation tool (to a storage space service).” I expect that M&A will also be active in related industries.

# Facebook·Apple Augmented Reality Glasses

I think Facebook and Apple will release augmented reality glasses that have been prepared for a long time. The cloud computing market, which has enjoyed tremendous growth, is likely to open up a new market called’Decentralized Cloud’. Various innovations using drones will also stand out. This year will also be a year when 5G devices are fully released worldwide. Artificial intelligence software that helps small businessmen who are suffering from Corona 19 digital transformation will continue to be released.

# In the search bar, click’MiraCletter’.

And one more last! Here’s a prediction I didn’t mention on the paper. For that, please refer to’MiraCletter’, who will visit your e-mail box at 10 am on the 7th! Anyone can subscribe by typing’Miracletter’ in the search box and entering your email address.

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