Terrifying contagion… A variant corona from the UK spreads to more than 50 countries in a month

British hospital

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The New York Times (NYT) reported on the 16th (local time) that the country where the mutation of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) from the UK has spread has so far exceeded 50 countries.

In addition, as mutant virus testing is still poor, the extent of the actual spread and the aftermath may not be known for the time being, NYT added.

According to reports, the mutant virus, which was announced as’B117′ in the UK on the 14th of last month, has spread to more than 50 countries in less than a month, until the latest confirmed in Argentina on the 16th of this month.

In Europe, the UK neighbor, mutations originating from the UK have been found in nearly 20 countries.

Portugal is counted among the places where they suffered critical hits. Due to the fragile medical system, the number of confirmed cases from the UK has risen, and the average number of confirmed cases per day has exceeded 8,800 in the last week, and on the 16th, 11,000 confirmed cases and 166 deaths were recorded.

Danish authorities also sounded a warning on the 16th that they could be occupied by a variant from the UK in the middle of next month.

In addition to the UK variant, three mutations could be a problem, NYT pointed out.

Two of these mutations were found in Brazil and one in South Africa.

The UK confirmed eight mutations from Brazil on the day and blocked entry from Latin countries and Spain.

Italy also restricted flights from Brazil.

The United States, the country most affected by Corona, is left unstable. This is because mutant coronas overlapped at a time when they could not escape from the aftermath of the holiday season.

In a weekly report released on the 15th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that it could be occupied by mutations from the UK until next month.

The UK mutation is known to be twice as contagious as the virus spreading in the United States. So far, about 76 people in the United States have been infected with a mutation from the UK.

Although mutations are not known to be more lethal or more severe, NYT diagnosed that their high contagion could add to the burden of the health care system and eventually lead to deaths.


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