Terminator angry at the US Congressional riots… Schwarzenegger’Protesters, Nazi appearance at the time’

Parliamentary riots, metaphors to “Correction Night”… “Like far right group Proud Voice”

“People mislead them as lies and push for a coup…it becomes meaningless soon like a tweet”

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous US actor and former governor of California, is criticizing President Donald Trump on the 10th (local time)./Capturing Twitter video

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous movie star, attacked President Donald Trump on the 10th (local time) by comparing the recent US Capitol riot to Nazi Germany.

In a video message posted on his Twitter that day, Schwarzenegger said, “I grew up in Austria and know well about’Crystalnacht’ (Night of the Crystal),” referring to the massive looting and arson incident the Nazis committed against Jews in 1938. He said that the Nazis at the time were the “proud voices” they are today. “Last Wednesday was the American version of the “Amendment Day.” Proudboys is a white supremacist far-right group who enthusiastically support President Trump and participated in a large number of congressional riots on the 6th.

Schwarzenegger criticized, “The mob not only broke the windows of the Capitol, but shattered the beliefs that we took for granted,” he said. “They not only broke the door of the US Democracy Hall, but also trampled the founding principles.” “President Trump tried to overturn the fair election results. It was a coup d’état by misleading people,” he said, aiming at President Trump.

On the 10th (local time), a warning sign was posted on the iron fence near the Capitol in Washington, DC, USA. Washington DC authorities and Congress, surprised by the invasion of President-elect Donald Trump’s fierce supporters to the Capitol on the 6th, are stepping up security ahead of the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th. /yunhap news

After defining Trump as a “failed leader,” he criticized him as “the worst president of all time in history.” He added, “It’s good news that he will soon become meaningless, like the tweets before.”

Schwarzenegger quoted his old buzzword in an interview with the German Sunday newspaper Bilt Am Jontak, saying, “You are terminated, Mr. President.” Schwarzenegger, who was in charge of hosting the TV reality show’Apprentice’ after President Trump in 2017, used this phrase instead of the President Trump’s buzzword “You are fired”, but got off early due to poor viewership. have.

When President Trump posted a tweet mocking Schwarzenegger at the time, Schwarzenegger struck him to commit to the presidency, and the two became awkward. Schwarzenegger served as governor of California under the Republican Party, but did not support President Trump. Since then, whenever there is an opportunity, he has publicly criticized President Trump’s racism, anti-immigration policy, and the abolition of environmental regulations.

/ Reporter Ji Woong-bae [email protected]

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