“Ten days of sexual torture after mass rape” Uighur camp revealed again

An Uzbek victim who was imprisoned in a Uighur camp in Xinjiang is exposed to tears and systematic sex crimes. [CNN 캡처]

An Uzbek victim who was imprisoned in a Uighur camp in Xinjiang is exposed to tears and systematic sex crimes. [CNN 캡처]

Another revelation of China’s violation of human rights by imprisoning people in camps in the Uighur Autonomous Region in Xinjiang. Sidik (Uzbek), who worked as a Chinese teacher in 2017 at two camps in the region, shared the reality he witnessed through CNN on the 19th (local time).

CNN reports came out more than 15 days after the BBC’s disclosure of the Uighur rape on the 3rd. The world was astonished by the revelation of victims of systematic sex crimes in Uyghur.

From the first day of his appointment, Sidik said, “I saw two soldiers carrying two young Uyghur women on a stretcher.” The women had no blood on their faces as if they were dead. Later, I heard from the police that I was “dead from excessive bleeding,” but Sidik said he did not reveal the reason for the bleeding.

The first class was also shocking. The feet of about 100 detainees who entered the classroom were shackled, and when I looked back while writing, I saw tears dripping from the detainees’ eyes. Outside the classroom, screams of tortured prisoners were heard.

Sidik teaching Chinese at an elementary school in the region before being dispatched to the Uighur camp. [CNN]

Sidik teaching Chinese at an elementary school in the region before being dispatched to the Uighur camp. [CNN]

As a teacher, he also witnessed male police rape and torture a Uighur woman at an evening drinking party. CNN said that although Sidik was not able to confirm the claim, it was in line with the Uighur women’s claim.

Ziya Udun, a Kazakhstan, also revealed that he suffered various hardships in the camp. He claimed that he was beaten until he passed out when questioned, “whether he had a relationship with the Uighur exile group?” There was also a case where the electric shock was put in the womb and shocked and fainted.

When I went to the cell after being tortured for ten days, hearing women scream in another room in a room with five or six men remained a terrible memory. “At first, I thought I was being tortured, but only after I was raped I realized what had happened in the room.”

The Chinese government accused CNN of “their claims are not true,” and that “if the authoritative media can tell the truth from the lie.”

Along with CNN’s report, attention is drawn to whether the US public regulation will be tightened. The British House passed the national trade sanctions law for human rights violations in the Senate, and the British government deleted China’s state-run TV channel as the BBC reported that Uyghur women were raped and tortured in concentration camps. US President Joe Biden said at a town hall meeting hosted by CNN on the 16th that “China will pay a price (due to the Uyghur human rights crackdown),” and “We discussed this with Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]
