Ten days of Biden’s inauguration… Congratulations with Xi Jinping, nerve warfare without phone calls

U.S. President Joe Biden (left) signs a health-related executive order in the Office of the White House.  Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) speaks through video at the World Economic Forum Davos Special Meeting on the 25th of last month. [AP·신화=연합뉴스]

U.S. President Joe Biden (left) signs a health-related executive order in the Office of the White House. Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) speaks through video at the World Economic Forum Davos Special Meeting on the 25th of last month. [AP·신화=연합뉴스]

For more than ten days after US President Joe Biden took office, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been engaged in a nervous war without congratulations or phone calls. President Xi sent a congratulatory celebration after three days when former President Donald Trump took office four years ago.

According to the People’s Daily, an agency of the Chinese Communist Party on the 1st, Xi sent a congratulatory congratulatory message to Nguyen Phu Tong, 76, the secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, who succeeded in reappointing the previous day.
President Xi called President Moon Jae-in on the 26th of last month. Japan’s Mainichi Shimbun interpreted this as “there seems to be an attempt to respond to the formation of the’Chinese siege’ by the United States and others and put a wedge.”

In his weekly speech on the Davos Agenda on the 26th of last month, President Xi declared the importance of multilateralism and established a corner with the Biden government. The Biden administration is discriminatory from the Trump administration in many respects, but it has continued its hard line against China.

Both countries are fostering nervous warfare by conducting military exercises in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said last weekend that six Chinese fighters and one US reconnaissance plane entered the southwestern part of the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone on the 31st of last month. US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln, the new head of US diplomacy, said in a phone call with the Philippine Foreign Minister that he rejected China’s claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea. The human rights issue in Xinjiang is also the point of conflict between China and the United States.

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
